Welcome to the NSO Referees High Performance Education Academy This program will aim to: Continue your development as Rugby League Match Official within the National Officiating Structure And guide you as far as possible along the path to the elite level
NSO Pathway
PROGRAM STRUCTURE Our program seeks to facilitate your learning by engaging you with the National Officiating Methodology. One week prior to the group meeting: You will have provided the content for the next session. We expect that you have gone through what will be discussed in that session and have possible points to raise. A task will also be given to you which will give you an opportunity to delve further into the content and also link it back to your officiating. Preparation for your session will be key. When doing your reviews from games, consider adding in times that might be relevant to our future content Coaches are here to facilitate and guide your learning through their experiences. There will be minimal lecturing in the program, so to gain maximum benefit, preparation and participation is key
PROGRAM STRUCTURE Tuesday Night Gym Session with Strength Program from NRL S & C Dept. Theory Session – Educational Aspects for Refereeing. Wednesday Night Practical Session – Opportunity to practice the theory learnt from previous session with walk throughs, drills and game replicated task.
OVERALL Expectations We expect that you will fully commit to the program and attend all the scheduled sessions planned. Communicate with Coaches about your attendance or any issues that may impact your full participation in the program. Be on time to all sessions Have the correct training attire and equipment for each session Come prepared to offer your experience and insight to each session Participate fully in all aspects of the program The benefit of doing so will aid not just yourself but others in the group as well
All sessions begin at 6.30pm SESSION EXPECTATIONS All sessions begin at 6.30pm Most sessions will begin with our Strength Program (unless otherwise stated) then flow into the Theory Session Appropriate training attire (current State/CRL training gear), towel and water bottle should be taken to each session. When a practical session is scheduled, participants should have appropriate training attire, a whistle, flag and boots to participate. We expect that in all skills tasks that you officiate as you would in a normal match.
Program runs Tuesday and or Wednesday Nights PROGRAM DATES Introduction to Program - 5th June 2018 Program runs Tuesday and or Wednesday Nights 5th June – 22nd August Program Breaks 3rd & 4th July 17th & 18th July 7th & 8th August
SMARTABASE Must have updated personal details and completed Medical Screening Form No ongoing Smartabase requirements for HPA Database Must continue to maintain all State/CRL Strength and Conditioning Protocols for Data Entry All skills and strength sessions should be included in your entries. This is a minimum requirement of this program as the information delivered to the State High Performance Units is vital to your training and weekly appointments.
Academy will put through the level 3 strength based Training Program STRENGTH PROGRAM Academy will put through the level 3 strength based Training Program Vital part of the S & C Program for Match Officials Seen as an injury prevention mechanism Develops better movement patterns with overall strength gains Creates an athletic image of Match Officials in general Strength will be undertaken on a weekly basis. Appropriate strength programs will be delivered based on where participants fit in the National Strength Program.
List them in your notebook. CHARACTERISTICS OF ELITE OFFICIALS Take 5 minutes to consider what characteristics you have learnt or seen in Elite Match Officials. List them in your notebook. As a group, discuss and prioritise what characteristics will create the best opportunity for an official to make it to the elite level.
ELITE OFFICIATING CULTURE The ultimate aim of the program is to give participants exposure to the standards expected at elite level officiating The following are key components that should be considered as priorities for elite match officials:
Elite match official characteristics Decision Making (Being accurate) Read of the game Communication Game Understanding Concentration Mental Toughness Adaptability Player Rapport Consistency Attention to detail
Who you are a referee? We have just discussed the characteristics that Elite Level Referees are likely to have. The question we will now ask you is have you considered what characteristics you have as a Referee.
Who you are as a referee? The first task to undertake in the program was that of a SWOT Analysis. This is the process of determining your strengths and weaknesses, then identifying opportunities to improve those aspects and any threats that might impact those plans
Direct and Specific Vocab provides effective ruck application AN EXAMPLE Strengths Direct and Specific Vocab provides effective ruck application Calm deameanour provides rapport building with captains and players in general Weaknesses Struggles with repeat efforts in conditioning training Has poor penalty selection on occasions leading to player angst and incorrect decision making Opportunities Seek out training opportunities that will improve anaerobic capacity – additional off legs sessions Seek out Senior Referees and discuss how they select penalties Threats Over training can cause an issue with additional sessions and performance on weekends Games take over limiting opportunity to discuss options with other referees
Discuss each others swot analysis On the available whiteboard, offer some of your answers to each of the areas of analysis. Pay particular attention how each of you analyse your refereeing. Does it have a level of critical analysis? Are there opportunities that you haven’t thought of to improve your performance? What threats are being raised? Can you offer some strategies that might help in combating them? Can you develop your analysis further? Are there opportunities that you could take in your matches over the coming weeks?
Thanks for you Participation Next Session 12th June – Theory only SESSION Completion Thanks for you Participation Next Session 12th June – Theory only 6.30pm @ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Content: 4 Pillars and importance of setting up a game.
NSO Referees High performance Education Academy