Afferent Division of the Nervous System Sensory pathways (15-1 to 15-4 & 17) Efferent Division of the Nervous System Motor pathways Somatic Nervous system (15-5) Autonomic Nervous system (16-1 to 16-7)
LECTURE OUTLINE: Compare Somatic Nervous System (SNS) with Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Autonomic Nevous system: Compare Sympathetic divison and Parasympathetic division
Efferent Division of Nervous System The Somatic Nervous System (SNS) 15-5 Also called the somatic motor system Controls contractions of skeletal muscles The Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) 16-1-7 Also called the visceral motor system Controls visceral effectors, such as smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
EFFERENT DIVISION OF NERVOUS SYSTEM Somatic Autonomic Effectors – Skeletal muscles Effectors – Smooth, Cardiac muscles and glands Conscious (voluntary) and Unconscious regulation Unconscious (Involuntary) regulation Excitatory action – skeletal muscle contracts Excitatory and Inhibitory action of target tissues Single synapse Two synapses – preganglionic and ganglionic neurons Neurotransmitter- Acetylcholine Neurotransmitter - Acetycholine by preganglionic neurons and ACh or norepinephrine/epinephrine by postganglionic neurons Seldom effects long term survival Critical for homeostasis and survival
The Organization of the Somatic Nervous Systems Upper motor neurons in primary motor cortex BRAIN Somatic motor nuclei of brain stem Skeletal muscle Lower motor neurons SPINAL CORD Somatic motor nuclei of spinal cord Skeletal muscle Somatic nervous system 6
Preganglionic neurons The Organization of the Autonomic Nervous Systems Visceral motor nuclei in hypothalamus BRAIN Preganglionic neuron Visceral Effectors Smooth muscle Autonomic nuclei in brain stem Autonomic ganglia Glands Cardiac muscle Ganglionic neurons SPINAL CORD Adipocytes Autonomic nuclei in spinal cord Preganglionic neurons Autonomic nervous system 7
15-5 Somatic Motor Pathways The Somatic Nervous System (SNS) Also called the somatic motor system Provides voluntary (conscious) control over skeletal muscles
Somatic Nervous System (SNS) Always involve at least two motor neurons Upper motor neuron Lower motor neuron
Somatic Nervous system (SNS) Upper motor neurons in primary motor cortex BRAIN Somatic motor nuclei of brain stem Skeletal muscle Lower motor neurons Spinal cord Figure 14 Section 1 The Functional Anatomy and Organization of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Somatic motor nuclei of spinal cord Skeletal muscle 10
Upper Motor Neuron Pyramidal neurons of Precentral gyrus of frontal lobe All of these neurons are located in CNS Descending tracts containing fibers of these neurons go to brainstem or the spinal cord Fibers decussate: Hence each precentral gyrus controls muscles on the contralateral side of the body Once reach brainstem or spinal cord, upper motor neuron synapses on the lower motor neuron
Lower Motor Neuron Cell body lies in a nucleus of the brain stem or spinal cord Axon of lower motor neuron extends outside CNS Innervates a single motor unit in a skeletal muscle (effector); triggers contraction of muscle May also be controlled by reflexes based in spinal cord Destruction of or damage to lower motor neuron eliminates voluntary and reflex control over innervated motor unit
Conscious and Subconscious Motor Commands control skeletal muscles by traveling over three integrated motor pathways Corticospinal pathway Medial pathway Lateral pathway
Motor Homunculus Map of primary motor cortex showing control of skeletal muscles Like sensory homunculus, corresponds point by point with specific regions of the body Motor area devoted to a specific area is proportional to number of motor units involved in the region’s control
Figure 15-8 The Corticospinal Pathway Motor homunculus on primary motor cortex of left cerebral hemisphere KEY Axon of upper motor neuron Lower motor neuron To skeletal muscles Corticobulbar tract Motor nuclei of cranial nerves Cerebral peduncle To skeletal muscles Midbrain Motor nuclei of cranial nerves Medulla oblongata Decussation of pyarmids Pyramids Lateral corticospinal tract Anterior corticospinal tract To skeletal muscles Spinal cord 15
Levels of Processing and Motor Control All sensory and motor pathways involve a series of synapses, one after the other Spinal and cranial reflexes provide rapid, involuntary, preprogrammed responses that preserve homeostasis over short term Control the most basic motor activities Voluntary responses are more complex and require more time to prepare and execute Nervous system motor disorders may result from problems with neurons, pathways, or a combination of the two
Multiple levels of somatic motor control The flow of information as an individual begins a movement Primary motor cortex Motor association areas Cerebral cortex Basal nuclei As the movement proceeds, the cerebellum monitors proprioceptive and vestibular information and compares the arriving sensations with those experienced during previous movements. It then adjusts the activities of the upper motor neurons involved. The basal nuclei adjust patterns of movement in two ways: 1. They alter the sensitivity of the pyramidal cells to adjust the output along the corticospinal tract. 2. They change the excitatory or inhibitory output of the medial and lateral pathways. Other nuclei of the medial and lateral pathways Cerebellum Corticospinal pathway Lower motor neurons Motor activity 17
Nervous system disorders may result from problems with neurons, pathways, or a combination of the two Parkinson disease When substantia nigra neurons are damaged or secrete less dopamine The substantia nigra from individuals with and without Parkinson disease Figure 13.19.2 Nervous system disorders may result from problems with neurons, pathways, or a combination of the two Normal substantia nigra Diminished substantia nigra in Parkinson patient 18
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease Progressive degenerative disorder Affects upper and lower motor neurons in the spinal cord, brain stem and cerebrum Atrophy of associated skeletal muscles Stephen Hawkings
Cerebral palsy (CP) Refers to a number of disorders that affect voluntary motor performance Appears during infancy or childhood and persists throughout life Cause may be: Trauma associated with premature or stressful childbirth Maternal exposure to drugs (including alcohol) Genetic defect that causes improper motor pathway development
Preganglionic neurons The Organization of the Autonomic Nervous Systems Visceral motor nuclei in hypothalamus BRAIN Preganglionic neuron Visceral Effectors Smooth muscle Autonomic nuclei in brain stem Autonomic ganglia Glands Cardiac muscle Ganglionic neurons SPINAL CORD Adipocytes Autonomic nuclei in spinal cord Preganglionic neurons Autonomic nervous system 21
The Autonomic Nervous Sympathetic division Increases alertness, metabolic rate, and muscular abilities Parasympathetic division Reduces metabolic rate and promotes digestion Enteric division: Extensive network in digestive tract walls Influenced by sympathetic and parasympathetic division but also under local control
Responses to Increased Sympathetic Activity “Fight or Flight” Increased blood glucose level for ATP production Increased metabolic rate Increased respiratory rate and respiratory passageways dilate Increased heart rate and blood pressure Increased blood flow to skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, and liver Heightened mental alertness Sweat glands activated Increase in pupil size (dilation) Effects widespread and long lasting due to divergence of neuron connections and release of norepinephrine and epinephrine by adrenal medulla Decreased blood flow to GI tract. Reduced digestive and urinary functions
Sympathetic Motor Division: Thoracolumbar Preganglionic neurons are cholinergic neurons-release Ach - Preganglionic fibers are short: extend from thoracolumbar region; synapse in ganglia near spinal cord Ganglionic neurons are mostly adrenergic –release NE (some E/ACh) - Postganglionic fibers are long and synapse at effectors Exception: Adrenal medulla -release to bloodstream
Sympathetic (thoracolumbar) division of the ANS KEY Preganglionic fibers Postganglionic fibers Ganglionic neurons in the sympathetic chain and collateral ganglia exert their effects through innervation of peripheral target organs. Hormones released into circulation Ganglionic Neurons Target Organs Sympathetic Chain Ganglia consists of a series of interconnected ganglia located on either side of the vertebral column. Visceral effectors in thoracic cavity, head, body wall, and limbs Preganglionic Neurons Lateral gray horns of spinal segments T1-L2 Collateral ganglia, located within the abdominopelvic cavity, include the celiac, superior mesenteric, and inferior mesenteric ganglia. Visceral effectors in abdomino- pelvic cavity Adrenal medulla (endocrine organ). Organs and systems throughout the body Ganglionic neurons in the adrenal medullae affect target organs throughout the body through the release of hormones into the general circulation. 25
Sympathetic (thoracolumbar) division Eye PONS Salivary glands Sympathetic nerves Cervical sympathetic ganglia Superior Middle Heart Inferior T1 T1 Splanchnic nerves Cardiac and pulmonary plexuses Celiac ganglion Lung Superior mesenteric ganglion Liver and gallbladder Stomach Spleen Pancreas Large intestine Postganglionic fibers to spinal nerves (innervating skin, blood vessels, sweat glands, arrector pili muscles, adipose tissue) Small intestine L2 Inferior mesenteric ganglion L2 Adrenal medulla Spinal cord Sympathetic chain ganglia Kidney Ovary Coccygeal ganglia (Co1) fused together Penis Uterus Urinary bladder Scrotum KEY Preganglionic neurons Ganglionic neurons 26
Responses to Increased Parasympathetic Activity “Rest & Digest” Decreased metabolic rate Restore body energy stores Decreased airway diameter (bronchoconstriction) Decreased heart rate and blood pressure Increased secretion by salivary and digestive glands Increased motility and blood flow in digestive tract Increased digestion, urination, defecation Decreased pupil diameter (constriction)
Parasympathetic Motor Division: Craniosacral Preganglionic neurons are cholinergic neurons-release Ach - Preganglionic fibers are long: extend from craniosacral region; synapse in ganglia close to target organs Ganglionic neurons are cholinergic neurons-release Ach - Postganglionic fibers are short and synapse at effectors
Parasympathetic (Craniosacral) Division of ANS Preganglionic Neurons Ganglionic Neurons Target Organs N III Nuclei in brain stem Ciliary ganglion Intrinsic eye muscles (pupil and lens shape) N VII Pterygopalatine and submandibular ganglia Nasal glands, tear glands, and salivary glands N IX Otic ganglion Parotid salivary gland N X Intramural ganglia Visceral organs of neck, thoracic cavity, and most of abdominal cavity Nuclei in spinal cord segments S2–S4 Pelvic nerves Visceral organs in inferior portion of abdominopelvic cavity KEY Intramural ganglia Preganglionic fibers Postganglionic fibers 29
Pterygopalatine ganglion The innervation of the parasympathetic division on one side of the body; the innervation on the opposite side (not shown) follows the same pattern KEY Preganglionic neurons Ganglionic neurons Pterygopalatine ganglion Lacrimal gland Eye Ciliary ganglion PONS VII III Submandibular ganglion Salivary glands IX Otic ganglion Vagus nerve (X), which provides about 75 percent of all parasympa- thetic outflow Heart Cardiac plexus Lungs Celiac plexus Spinal cord Liver and gallbladder Stomach Inferior mesenteric plexus Spleen Pancreas Hypogastric plexus Large intestine Preganglionic fibers in the sacral segments of the spinal cord, which carry sacral parasympathetic output Small intestine Rectum S2 Kidney S3 S4 Penis Uterus Ovary Scrotum Urinary bladder Figure 14.3 30
Sympathetic Parasympathetic CNS PNS Preganglionic neuron Figure 16-9 Summary: The Anatomical Differences between the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Divisions Sympathetic Parasympathetic CNS Preganglionic neuron PNS Preganglionic fiber KEY Sympathetic ganglion Neurotransmitters Acetylcholine Norepinephrine or Epinephrine Ganglionic neurons Circulatory system Postganglionic fiber Parasympathetic ganglion TARGET 31
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Division Most vital organs receive instructions from both sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions Organs that receive impulses from both sympathetic and parasympathetic fibers are said to have dual innervation. For example; Heart, lungs, pupil Two divisions commonly have opposing effects For example: Parasympathetic: ACh release decreases heart rate Sympathetic: NE release accelerates heart rate
Differences Between Somatic and Autonomic Nervous Systems Central nervous system Peripheral nervous system Effector organs Acetylcholine Somatic nervous system Skeletal muscle Acetylcholine Norepinephrine Smooth muscle (e.g., in stomach) Sympathetic division Ganglion Acetylcholine Epinephrine and norepinephrine Autonomic nervous system Blood vessel Glands Adrenal medulla Acetylcholine Cardiac muscle Parasympathetic division Ganglion KEY: Preganglionic axons (sympathetic) Postganglionic axons (sympathetic) Myelination Preganglionic axons (parasympathetic) Postganglionic axons (parasympathetic) Figure 7.27
Regulation of the ANS Simple reflexes from spinal cord provide rapid and automatic responses Complex reflexes coordinated in brainstem, especially medulla oblongata Contains centers and nuclei involved in: Salivation Swallowing Digestive secretions Peristalsis Urinary function Highest level of regulation by hypothalamus: Master controller of ANS