Water Safety By Olivia
Statistic/ Fact In 2002, nearly 2,700 kids age 14 & under were treated in hospital E.R.s from drowning related incidents.
Rule #1 Kids should never swim alone. Some other rules are don’t run &don’t push!
Rule #2 Have a PDA{Personal Floating Device.}
Rule #3 Kids need constant supervison when in water
Rule #4 Young children can drown in 2 inches {6cm} of water.
Rule #5 Have fences around hot tubs or spa areas.
Care/ Treatment If you find a child in the water, do CPR while loudly calling for help.
Bibliography http//www. Kids Health HP://downloads.ncs.org.PFD/ Pool Safety.org/ parenty 1st aid safe http// downloads. Ncs.org/pdf/ Personal Float Devices/ outdoor/ water safety. html http// Kids Health. Org/ kid/ watch/ out. Html http//www. Riskwatch.org/top water .html