Bowel Cancer people beat bowel cancer when it is found early. Bowel cancer is the third most common cancer in Scotland. The older you get the higher your risk of developing it. people beat bowel cancer when it is found early. out of
Bowel Cancer Bowel cancer is more common in people over 50, especially men Most people don’t know that the early signs are often hidden, even your doctor can’t see it in the early stages When it’s found early, bowel cancer is much easier to treat. The best way to find it early is to do a home screening test
Bowel Cancer Home Screening - It could save your life If you are between the ages of 50 and 74 you will receive a bowel screening kit through the post every two years. If you're 75 or over you can still take a test every two years if you want to. You won’t automatically be sent a kit but can get one easily by calling the Scottish Bowel Screening Helpline on 0800 0121 833 or go online
Bowel Cancer If you have made a mistake or misplaced your screening test don’t worry, you can request a replacement simply by either calling the Scottish Bowel Screening Helpline on 0800 0121 833 or go online
Bowel Cancer Screening won’t catch every bowel cancer. It is important to look out for some tell-tale signs and symptoms of bowel cancer, whether or not you do the screening test.
between screening contact your GP. Bowel Cancer Signs and symptoms to look out for Repeated bleeding from your bottom Blood in your poo Recent change in your poo, for four weeks or more Watery poo on its own or with constipation Severe pain in your stomach that won't go away, especially after eating. You've recently lost weight without trying You feel tired all the time and people keep telling you that you, 'look a bit pale.‘ If you’re worried about anything at all in between screening contact your GP.