I AM A Titan N A Tough Ol Boy
I Wonder If I would Go to the Next level of Football.
I Hear That I have capabilities of being a great athlete. That I have capabilities of being a great athlete.
I See State Championships at Memorial High School in the near future.
I Want To have my name carved on the school as a champion with the rest of the TITANS.
I Am A Titan A Titan N A Tough Ol Boy A Tough Ol Boy
I Pretend That I am stronger than I really am.
I Feel Very good about this next season.
I Touch My Pads as I strap them on.
I Worry Will me or one of my teammates get injured during playoff time.
I Cry Or want to cry when my team loses against North Shore, the Woodlands, and Westbrook, ect….
I Am A Titan N A Tough Ol Boy
I Understand That in a game somebody has to loose.
I Say Not the Titans.
A Titan N A Tough Ol Boy I AM