November 13, 2017 9:30PM Farnsworth Senate November 13, 2017 9:30PM Farnsworth
Agenda Thresher Constitutional Amendments Ambassador Pairs Presentation Senator/Committee Chair Presentation LEAP Data and Legislation Introduction
The NSR Ambassador Program What Started in 2014 & often a fav part of the NSR program NSRs switch in pairs and live life at another college for a few days A couple of requirements meant to make sure you get the most out of the program - ex. attending the college government weekly meeting Special accommodations/non-overnight switches available Main goal is that NSRs gain a greater understanding of Rice’s culture and best practices among colleges in order to become better campus-wide leaders
The NSR Ambassador Program .When Monday Nov. 13th: Announcement of all the switch pairs to all of Senate! I’d encourage Presidents & Senators to plan to stick around 5-10 mins after Senate to meet the NSRs coming to their college During this time, make sure you tell NSRs When/where weekly college gov meeting is I’d encourage you to invite them to pre-cab/pre-council/pre-etc. if possible at your college Nov. 14 - Nov. 16: the switch!!! :) This is a really cool opportunity to meet people from across campus and learn about best practices at different colleges! Please let me know if you have any questions!
NSRs are listed under which college they are switching to Baker Nikhita Gangla Tessa Schrieber* Lilly Snellman Will Rice Stephen Chamness Alexandra Boufarah* Kate Landry Lovett Derrick Kagwanja Leah Hamann Anna Margaret Clyburn* Sid Rich Hannah Kim Tim Thomas II Jefferson Ren Wiess Will Mundy Ramya Ajjarapu Karen Shore* Hanszen Sanat Mehta Kate Landry McMurtry Vidisha Ganesh* Kusha Gupta Nitin Srinvasan Rahul Popat Duncan Shane Digiovanna* Mark Trevino* Jiayu Liu Blake Coleman NSRs are listed under which college they are switching to Asterisks designate day time only switches Martel Zain Imam* Judy Liu* Rithika Proddutoor* Jones Emma Young* Anchith Kota Madison Morris Brown Varsha Varghese Cordy McJunkins*
Project Updates Mcmurtry College- Albert Duncan College- Juliette Jones College- Daniel Senior Committee- Patrick
LEAP Data Presentation- Campuswide Overall 63.09% of students supported 31.19% of students opposed 5.72% of students had another viewpoint not represented by “support or oppose” 92% of returning students have completed question
Other 5.7% did not support or oppose. Of these students common comments include (by %) 4.6- no 5.2- yes 14.4- I don’t care 37.5- increase requirements and include both 9.9- include classes in curriculum but not required 15.1- Opt out system for people engaged in PE 4.7- delete LEAP and LPAP 1.9- wellbeing and PE. Nothing else 1.3- I need more info 5.2- other
LEAP Data Presentation- College Baker 42.7% support 50% oppose 7.3% other Brown 60.4% support 34% oppose 5.6% other Duncan 68.9% support 26.5% oppose 4.6% other Hanszen 62.1% support 30.1% oppose 7.8% other Jones 70% support 24% oppose 6% other
LEAP Data Presentation- College Lovett 58.2% support 35% oppose 6.8% other Martel 58.6% support 35.9% oppose 5.4% other Will Rice 67.3% support 28.6% oppose 4.1% other McMurtry 67% support 28.9% oppose 4.1% other Sid 75.4% support 19% oppose 5.6% other Wiess 64.8% support 30.2% oppose 5% other
Moving Forward All of data from SAS and Senate Vote will be presented to CUC/Faculty senate to accurately represent student opinion. “X percent said _” instead of “students absolutely do not like/like proposal” CUC will examine proposal Expanding LPAP definition to LEAP Workflow. Aka who will decide if knitting gets to be included Dean of undergraduates more than likely will decide considering college course program and existing LPAP process Proposal will then be pushed to Faculty Senate for final say Faculty Senate Change of graduation requirements to new LEAP definition will require faculty senate vote Additions will not happen overnight
LEAP Legislation
Announcements Daniel Koh- Mr. Rice