For all your Make Up; Photography and Styling needs. Since 2007 The Make Up Monsters For all your Make Up; Photography and Styling needs. Since 2007
REST OF OUR WORK IS ON OUR WEBSITE. Most of our clients receiving this mail will know us from our our previous company Cartier Castings. We managed models and extra’s for 7 years and incorporated our make up, photography and styling abilities into the agency. This year 2012 we have said good bye to the models and will now only focus on the make up, styling and photography. In the following few slides you will see some of our work done these past 7 years. Riana Botha and Rene Bester will continue in shooting and delivering the best work for: Brides Models TV productions and Magazine clients. REST OF OUR WORK IS ON OUR WEBSITE.
The Make Up Monsters Bands and Celebs Bands and Celebs
The Make Up Monsters Bands and Celebs Bands and Celebs
The Make Up Monsters High Fashion Magazine Work
The Make Up Monsters High Fashion Magazine Work
The Make Up Monsters Beauty shots and Models portfolios
The Make Up Monsters Beauty shots and Models portfolios
The Make Up Monsters Brides Brides
The Make Up Monsters Brides
Magazine and Advertising The Make Up Monsters Magazine and Advertising
Magazine and Advertising The Make Up Monsters Magazine and Advertising
Magazine and Advertising The Make Up Monsters Magazine and Advertising
Magazine and Advertising The Make Up Monsters Magazine and Advertising Golf Clothing brand