Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Chemnitz Communication platform and databases of the PERFECT LINK project and its benefits for Estonian textile and clothing companies Dr. Rainer Gebhardt Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. Chemnitz This document has been produced with the financial support of the European Community’s BSP2 programme. The views expressed herein are those of STFI and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Commission
http://www.perfectlink.org The web address is the up-to-date information site of the project.
DATEC Database Company database for the textile, clothing, shoe and leather industries of Central and Eastern European countries Environmental Dictionary Dictionary of environmental descriptors (13 languages) Environmental Labels Overview of environmental labels used in the European Union, other European countries, the CEECs and worldwide Environmental Links List of environmental-related institutions (ministries, environmental agencies) of European countries EnDa Database Database with environmental-related documents of textile, clothing and leather industries
Overview DATEC database country sector company business index NACE Germany All 635 798 843 Poland Textile 156 597 535 Leather 97 104 102 Czech Republic 80 194 179 Slovakia 35 74 86 25 33 32 Slovenia 146 150 147 Estonia 100 366 224 Lithuania 248 1038 890 Hungary 118 148 128 38 54 39 Romania 52 123 13 15 26 Twinning Partners 5 9 8 Latvia 65 94 88 Bulgaria 59 91 62 225 268 256 total 2097 4156 3763
www.perfectlink.org The web address is the up-to-date information site of the project. Please contact your association for more information Thank you for your attention!