Welcome to SHORELINE COMMUNITY COLLEGE Round Table Introductions Name, Department, Position
Employee Orientation Welcome & Introduction About Shoreline CC General Employee Information Payroll & Benefits
Shoreline Community College HISTORY Founded in 1964 Established to serve the needs of “non-traditional” students Initial enrollment of just 350 students In 1948, the Washington State Legislature passed a law that prevented community colleges from establishing their operations any place where a state four-year institution existed. This measure was intended to restrain institutions from competing with one another or from duplicating their efforts. As a result, community colleges in the Puget Sound region did not come into existence until around the mid 60s when that law was repealed. Dr. Ray W. Howard (Shoreline school district superintendent) was a key proponent of such a measure and actively worked with other school districts in the area to convince legislators of the needs of "non-traditional" students who could not attend the University of Washington or other four-year institutions. These non-traditional students, many of whom were working adults, were part of a growing population of those who desired a college degree, but because of economic circumstances, were forced to work and support families. Many of these students also could not afford the tuition and room and board of a four-year university. The mission of community colleges in this state has always been to provide access to higher education to students such as these and to offer them the chance to build skills to take them to higher wage levels.
Shoreline Community College TODAY Over 13,000 students enrolled between main and Lake Forest Park campuses Over 350 full-time staff and faculty with an additional 650 part-time employees Serving the City of Shoreline as well as King and Snohomish Counties The eleventh largest community college of thirty-four in the State of Washington Located 10 miles north of downtown Seattle, Shoreline is one of the most strikingly beautiful college campuses in Washington. Nestled among native evergreens, the campus is a brilliant sea of colors during spring, summer and fall, when many flowering plants are in bloom. The scenic surrounding area is nationally known for its recreational and cultural opportunities, which richly complement academic life. Twenty-six buildings constitute the 83-acre campus. These include an award-winning automotive training center, a visual arts building, computer centers, laboratories, a student center, a theater, a well-equipped gymnasium that includes an exercise room and racquetball courts, a child care center, a sophisticated multimedia center and the Ray W. Howard Library/Technology Center.
Accomplishing Our Core Business Leverage the strength of the Community College system of the State of Washington while maintaining our well-regarded programs Operate independently, compete collectively Provide services to both traditional and non-traditional students Shoreline Community College operates independently and competes collectively. We will leverage the strength of the Community College System while independently maintaining our well regarded College programs.
SCC Degrees Awarded Associate in Arts and Sciences (University Transfer Degree) Associate in Science Associate in Applied Arts & Sciences (Prof/Tech Degree) GED/Program Certifications Academic Goals Academic transfer . . . . . . . 37% Prof/Tech students . . . . . . .45% Basic Skills . . . . . . . . . . 7% *Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11% *(International, Running Start, Community Service, etc.)
Shoreline Community College’s MISSION STATEMENT Shoreline Community College demonstrates dedication to student success by providing rich opportunities to learn, excellence in teaching and comprehensive support services, in close collaboration with its diverse community. Shoreline serves the community's lifelong educational and cultural needs. All employees of SCC should be familiar with the mission statement and live it everyday.
SCC VALUES vigorous intellectual inquiry rooted in academic freedom and built on an open exchange of ideas an the development of knowledge. Academic Freedom Access Collaboration Diversity Environmental Responsibility Excellence Innovation Student Success Support Academic Freedom Shoreline Community College values vigorous intellectual inquiry rooted in academic freedom and built on an open exchange of ideas and the development of knowledge. Access As a community college, Shoreline values open admission for all students regardless of their educational and socio-economic backgrounds. Collaboration Shoreline values cooperative partnerships and collaboration in decision making to improve the quality of decisions and to secure broad commitment to them. Diversity Shoreline values the dignity and worth of all persons and the respectful treatment of the diverse individuals who learn and work at the college. Environmental Responsibility Shoreline values the conservation of natural resources, improvement of the natural environment and creation of environmentally sustainable practices. Excellence Shoreline values excellence in all its endeavors. Innovation Shoreline values creative solutions and continuously seeks new, flexible and responsive ways to achieve its mission. Student Success Shoreline places high value on the lifelong academic and personal success of its students in and out of the classroom. Support Shoreline values a supportive environment for students and employees.
Employee Orientation Welcome & Introduction About SCC General Employee Information Payroll & Benefits
SCC Intranet www.shoreline.edu/intranet Administrative Forms Faculty/Financial Services/Human Resources/etc Committee/Board of Trustees Web Pages Meeting Agenda/Minutes Day at a Glance (DAAG) and Net News Publication of campus news/events Important daily info (detour routes, etc) Employee Earnings History Online check stub information Instructor Briefcase Online grade management Recognition of Significant Family Events 1. Day at a Glance a. Published Daily by PIO b. Includes 1. Events of the Day 2. Important Information (building closures, power outage, etc) 3. Campus Announcements 2. Net News – A chronicle for the campus community a. Published Monthly by PIO 1. Campus News, Events 2. Employee Updates (new hires, retirements, advancement, etc) 3. College Accolades/Awards
Awards and Recognition SERVICE YEAR AWARD Recognition for each five years of continuous service FACULTY MEMBER of the YEAR Recognition by peer selection for outstanding contribution in their work at SCC. SCC STAR of the YEAR Recognition for a permanent classified staff member who has demonstrated exceptional commitment and quality service to SCC. AWARDS 1. Service Year a. Recognition for each 5 year of continuous employment (LWOP deducted from total years) b. Employee receives a PIN denoting the 5 year increments of service years worked 1. Pins are awarded during opening week each fall quarter @ all campus meeting 2. Faculty/Staff Member of the Year a. Awarded to 1 faculty and 1 staff each year b. Recognition for outstanding contribution of work at SCC c. Peer nomination, VP selection 1. Awarded during opening week each fall quarter @ all campus meeting 3. SCC Star of the Quarter a. Awarded to 1 permanent classified staff member quarterly b. Peer nomination, VP selection 1. Awarded during all campus meetings at end of quarter 2. Award presented by College president, includes certificate and SCC trophy/paperweight 4. Dolphie Award of the Quarter a. Recognition for a faculty, classified staff, or administrative staff b. Spirit of SCC: collaboration, positive attitude, leadership, and teamwork
Performance Evaluation Performance will be reviewed on an annual basis Classified Staff Evaluated at 2 and 5 months of probation and annually thereafter Faculty Evaluated regularly Administrators Evaluated annually This review, conducted with the help of a performance appraisal form, gives you and your supervisor/dean the opportunity to assess your performance, progress and goals. It offers an opportunity to discuss ways in which you can enhance or develop specific skills. A copy of a performance appraisal form is in your orientation packet. Employees are evaluated on : - quality of work - quantity of work - behavior flexibility - working with minimal supervision - cooperation and teamwork - planning and organizing - attendance - punctuality - technical knowledge - other criteria as established by the manager
Education & Professional Development Professional Development Web Page intranet.shoreline.edu/prod/ Tuition Waivers Employees of SCC are eligible to enroll in Washington Community College or University courses based on space availability and instructor approval. Professional Development 1. Shoreline offers pools of funds to supplement professional development expenses for full-time faculty, associate faculty and full-time classified staff. a. Application forms for professional development funds available online 2. Quarterly offerings include a. Required trainings 1. Sexual Harassment 2. Affirmative Action b. Optional trainings 1. Managing Change 2. Cultural Recognition (example: Asian Pacific Heritage Month, guest speakers) 3. Blackboard Use 4. Library/Media Resources and Services Tuition Waivers 1. Availability - Employees are encouraged to utilize the tuition waiver program available to them to reach their educational goals. a. Classified Staff – after probationary period of employment ends b. Administrators/Faculty – immediately upon employment Note: Enrollment in college courses should not create an impact on the employee’s position at SCC.
Equal Employment Opportunity Shoreline CC is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, age or disability. Shoreline CC values the dignity and worth of all persons and the respectful treatment of the diverse individuals who learn and work at the college. College Policy 4111 (affirmative action): (full college policy available online at shoreline.edu/intranetpolicy/tableof.htm) Human Rights Universal Complaint Procedure 1. Informal/Verbal Complaint Procedure 2. Formal Complaint Procedure
Harassment Policy The College condemns any acts in its work environments that create the potential for illegal harassment, both in terms of individual employee morale and in violation of applicable federal, state, and local laws. The College will not tolerate harassment of any employee because of that employee’s sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, color, religion, national origin, age, or disability. College Policy 4113: (full college policy available online at shoreline.edu/intranetpolicy/tableof.htm) Shoreline Community College, as a place of work and study for employees and students, is to be maintained free of sexual harassment. Students and employees should be aware that the College is prepared to take action to prevent sexual harassment, and to correct situations resulting from sexual harassment. Individuals who engage in sexually harassing behavior while on campus, or in any place while under the jurisdiction of the College, are subject to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal. Retaliation against employees or students who report sexual harassment or who participate in an investigation will not be tolerated. Any employee or student found to have retaliated may be subject to disciplinary action, which may include dismissal. All complaints shall be kept as confidential as is reasonably possible; however, there can be no guarantee of confidentiality under the requirements of Public Record Law. The College is not responsible for the confidentiality maintained by the parties involved and cannot guarantee confidentiality to any participant.
Harassment Policy It is impossible to provide a precise definition of “harassment” in the legal sense. Whether or not inappropriate behavior constitutes illegal harassment depends upon many factors. The College prohibits all inappropriate language and conduct – regardless of whether that behavior would legally constitute harassment. The determination of what constitutes sexual harassment will vary with the particular circumstances. Sexual harassment includes, but is not limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, verbal and/or written comments of a sexual nature, and/or visual or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by someone from or in the work or educational setting when: 1. Submission to such conduct is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a term or condition of an individual’s employment, instruction, or participation in a college activity. 2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for the decisions affecting such individual’s employment, instruction/academics, or participation in other college activities/programs (quid pro quo or “this for that” harassment). 3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with work, academic performance, or participating in other college activities, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or learning environment (“hostile environment” harassment).
Acceptable Conduct The College expects all employees to demonstrate the highest degree of integrity, responsibility, and professional conduct at all times. Avoid any behavior that may: Be harmful to yourself, other employees, or the College, or Cause any unfavorable reaction from current or potential students. All employees are the College’s representatives whether on or off duty. This is particularly important for the employee to remember when wearing a College ID badge. College Policy 4125: Standards of Ethical Conduct (full college policy available online at shoreline.edu/intranetpolicy/tableof.htm) As members of Shoreline Community College (SCC) Board of Trustees, officers and staff, it is important that we, as public servants, are accountable to the people who have high expectations for our behavior and service standards. (For purposes of this policy, members of the Board of Trustees, officers and staff [state employees] shall be referred to as "officers and employees.") To help officers and employees understand their rights and responsibilities, the Executive Ethics Board was created by the Washington Legislature to develop the Washington Ethics Law enabling us to take positive actions and demonstrate ethical behavior at all times. Although an organization may ascribe to ethical behavior, it ultimately begins with each individual
Acceptable Conduct: Criminal Charges Laws and regulations of the State of Washington state that Shoreline Community College cannot knowingly employ a person convicted of a felony without first obtaining the approval of the applicable college official. Any employee convicted of a felony is subject to immediate termination without regard to whether or not the felony conviction is job-related.
Acceptable Conduct: Employee Responsibility All employees are responsible for notifying their supervisor no later than the next business day if they have been charged, arrested, or indicted for any criminal (felony or misdemeanor) offense. This includes reporting driving violations and accidents when the employee’s position is covered by these policies. When there is a resulting criminal charge from an accident, all employees must report the charge. “False arrests” must also be reported. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action, including termination.
Workplace Violence Violent or threatening behavior is not tolerated. Employees should report threats or unusual actions immediately. Direct Supervisor Campus Security Human Resources All employees are responsible for reporting threats and unusual actions or situations that have the potential for workplace violence; including threats or knowledge of threats directed at them or at another employee from a family member, co-worker, or other individuals This is an issue that is taken seriously. When unusual actions, threats, or situations indicate that a potential for violence exists, but does not pose immediate danger, employee should report the situation to one or more of the following resources: Management Campus Security Human Resources Department Dial 911 immediately when workplace violence is occurring or is about to occur. After dialing 911 contact Campus Security at 206-546-4633
Alcohol & Drug-free Workplace SCC is committed to an alcohol- and drug-free workplace in the interest of safety for its students, employees and the public. Unauthorized possession, use of, or being under the influence of alcohol or prescription or illegal drugs is prohibited any time an employee is conducting College business, while on or off College property, or operating a College vehicle. Abuse includes dependence and/or using drugs for reasons other than for which they are legally prescribed. College Policy 4120: (full college policy available online at shoreline.edu/intranetpolicy/tableof.htm) Shoreline Community College is committed to providing a safe work environment and to fostering the well-being and health of its employees. That commitment is jeopardized when any Shoreline Community College employee uses alcohol or illegal drugs on the job, comes to work demonstrably under the influence of alcohol or with illegal substances present in his/her body, or possesses, distributes, or sells drugs illegally in the workplace. Guidelines SCC distributes info on drug/alcohol abuse prevention annually SCC provides substance abuse prevention education and the availability of counseling through EAP. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in and on Shoreline Community College property. The consumption of alcohol beverages on Shoreline Community College property or as part of any College activity is prohibited, except when authorized by the College President. No employee will be present on campus or engage in his/her work while demonstrably under the influence of alcohol or with any unlawful substance present in his/her body. Employees will be immediately tested off-campus when detectable indicators give rise to reasonable suspicion that an employee is demonstrably under the influence of alcohol or has unlawful substances in his/her body. Such indicators may include but are not limited to: smell of alcohol on breath, unsteady gait, dilated pupils, disorientation and slurred speech. Violations of this policy by any employee may result in referral for mandatory evaluation/treatment for substance abuse disorder or disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment in accordance with applicable WAC rules, bargaining unit agreements or other College policies.
Problem Resolution Employees are encouraged to make it known if an employment problem arises. A clear and frank discussion with your immediate supervisor is the most efficient way to reconcile it. Sometimes discussion with other administrative personnel or with HR may be helpful. If the concern is unresolved, employees are encouraged to meet with their supervisor to discuss solutions. Each employee is encouraged to make it known when an employment problem arises. The easiest and most efficient way of communicating is through a thorough and frank discussion with your immediate supervisor, clearly stating the matter at issue so it is understood by both of you. If your supervisor is unable to resolve the problem to your satisfaction, you should make an appointment with your department manager for you and your supervisor to meet with him and discuss the problem. If the department manager is your immediate supervisor schedule the meeting with the administrator of the department.
Acceptable Use of Computer Resources SCC computer resources, including e-mail, Internet or Intranet access, software, hardware, and other programs are intended for college business purposes only. SCC expects this resource to be handled responsibly. Violations of this policy may constitute misconduct; which may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Employees should have no expectation of privacy regarding College computer resources.The College reserves the right to access and disclose without notice all information stored on SCC computers, including messages sent or received via College provided computer resources, at any time for any reason. College Policy 4126: (full college policy available online at shoreline.edu/intranetpolicy/tableof.htm) 1. Information Technology Resources are to be used only for legitimate college business. 2. The user is responsible for all known usage of his/her assigned account. 3. The College reserves the right to monitor use of Information Technology Resources in accordance with existing procedures and any notification requirements.
E-mail Courtesy E-mail only those to whom the message pertains rather than entire address groups. Make a point of responding to messages promptly. Always use spell-check and grammar-check. Include phone number in messages. E-mail should be used for business, rather than personal use. Self explanatory
Dress Code It is the responsibility of each employee to maintain a professional work appearance. Casual Friday: Wear your SCC Shirt!
No Solicitation Policy SCC prohibits distribution of any literature, merchandise, etc. on its premises, whether made by employees, individuals or groups not employed with SCC. Solicitation of an employee by another employee or an individual not employed with SCC, is prohibited during working time or on College property. Candy bars for various causes, Girl Scout cookies etc are items that are not to be displayed and sold in our offices. Also, any “home parties” (such as Tupperware) should be kept out of the office. Solicitation is any form of approach, whether for membership, subscriptions, money, gifts, or the purchase of merchandise, tickets, or services. Distribution is the disbursement of any literature, merchandise, or thing that is not being distributed in the normal course of the business of the College
Employee Orientation Welcome & Introduction About SCC General Employee Information Payroll & Benefits
Paychecks: Dates of Pay Pay Dates Work from 1st – 15th of the Month, paid on 25th Work from 16th – End of the Month, paid on 10th If the regular pay day falls on a holiday/weekend; paychecks are distributed on the closest business day Pay Day on Saturday, Checks distributed Friday Pay Day on Sunday, Checks distributed Monday You will receive a pay check semimonthly (twice a month). Overtime/shift pay earned is included in the current check. LWOP: Unpaid hours will be deducted from the current check.
Paychecks: Direct Deposit Allows your paycheck to be automatically deposited into your checking/savings account Strongly Encouraged No cost Convenient Enrollment forms are included in your new hire packet . You have an option of being paid one of two ways: • By Pay check -which you will take to the bank and cash or deposit. • By Direct Deposit - your pay will be directly deposited into your existing or new checking/savings account. 1. Strongly encouraged (sign up unless you have a valid reason not to) a. College saves $5000/year in mailing costs by encouraging direct deposit Enrollment forms are included in your new hire packet of paperwork to complete. Direct deposit does take 1-2 paychecks to set up so please expect to receive your first payment in the form of a physical check.
Combined Fund Drive Shoreline is committed to helping local communities through the Combine Fund Drive All employees are encouraged to participate in the annual campaign with payroll contributions New employees do not have to wait for the next campaign; they sign up at any time The College has participated in this statewide effort every year since its inception and we are proud of the generosity of our employees' donation to many organizations locally and around the world.
Vacation/Personal Leave Depends on Type of Employee Faculty (See Agreement) Staff (See Collective Bargaining Agreement) Administrative/Exempt College Policy 4728 FACULTY are provided with their personal days at the start of each quarter as follows: Fall – 4 days Winter – 3 days Spring – 3 days Summer – 2 days STAFF accrue vacation hours for each month of employment and are eligible to begin using the vacation hours after the 6 month of continuous permanent employment. - Can accrue a maximum of 240 vacation hrs STAFF accrue 1 personal holiday (8 hrs) during each calendar year once the employee has been continuously employed for more than 6 months. ADMIN/PROF TECH accrue 2 days of vacation for each month of employment and are eligible to begin using the vacation hours immediately. Based on SCC policies (no formal union contract). - Can accrue a maximum of 480 vacation hrs
Holiday Schedule STANDARD HOLIDAYS New Year’s Day Labor Day President’s Day Veteran’s Day Martin Luther King Day Thanksgiving Day Day after Thanksgiving Memorial Day Independence Day Christmas Day
Sick Leave Leave Depends on Type of Employee Faculty (See Agreement) Staff (See Collective Bargaining Agreement) Administrative/Exempt (College Policy 4728) For your own illness/injury or for care of eligible dependents Submit your approved leave form to Human Resources What It Is: Sick leave may be used for personal illness, injury or medical disability. It may also be used for personal medical or dental appointments. Other situations to use Sick Leave: Care of family members as required by the Family Care Act Death of any relative that requires employee absence from work. Childcare emergencies after the employee has exhausted any available comp time. Care of dependent children under 18 yrs. For family member’s medical/dental/optical appts when the presence of the employee is required. REQUIREMENTS Employees must promptly notify their supervisor on the first day of sick leave and each day thereafter. If the employee is in a position where a relief replacement is necessary, the employee will need to notify their supervisor at least 2 hours prior to shift start of their anticipated absence. OTHER Sick leave cash out available each January at the rate of 1 hour for every 4 hours accrued over 480 hrs (max cash out of 96 hours allowed). Voluntary Employees Benefits Association (VEBA) VEBA sick leave cash is available upon retirement with the amount transferred equal to the quarter total value of the employees accumulated sick leave balance. VEBA is a tax free medical spending account which allows employees to receive reimbursement for medical expenses paid after retirement.
Employee Benefits Health Care Medical & Dental Coverage Insurance Long Term Disability Life Insurance Retirement Plan Employer/Employee Contributions Benefits Coordinator – Veronica Botts 1. Administration Building 1000, Rm 1015 2. Available anytime for questions by phone, email or drop in.
BENEFITS: Health Care Health Care Coverage Employees are covered under the Health Care Authority (HCA) of Washington State through the Public Employees Benefits Board (PEBB) Health Care Coverage Medical/Dental Coverage available for Employee, Spouse/Domestic Partner and Eligible Dependents Begins the first of the month following the date of employment Open Enrollment – Occurs each Fall Change your plan, add/remove dependents Monthly Employee Premium Dental Coverage is Free of Charge Medical Premium depends on plan selected and number of dependents covered (See Medical/Dental Booklet, pg 15) Questions 1. Employees may contact the Benefits Office at anytime with questions. 2. Monthly Rates – Pg 15 3. Comparison of Benefits (by plan) – Pg 20 Enrollment 1. New Employees a. Enrollment Form (back of book) is due no later than 31 days from the date of employment at SCC. 2. Transferring Employees a. Employees who are transferring from another public Washington State higher ed institution will have their benefit information transferred as well (no action needed).
BENEFITS: Insurance Long Term Disability (LTD) Insurance Basic Plan – 90 waiting period, $240/mo benefit payout Free of charge, automatic upon employment at SCC Optional Plan Additional coverage available at group rates You pick waiting period, benefit payout is 60% of your salary at time of injury (See LTD Booklet for more info) Life Insurance Basic Plan - $25,000 Life/$5000 Accidental Death You pick additional coverage amounts available in increment of $1000 (See LIFE Booklet for more info) LTD Questions 1. Rates for Optional Coverage – Pg 39 2. LTD available once all sick leave is exhausted and waiting period has been met LTD Enrollment 1. New Employees a. Enrollment Form (back of book) is due no later than 31 days from the date of employment at SCC. 2. Transferring Employees a. Employees who are transferring from another public Washington State higher ed institution will have their benefit information transferred as well (no action needed). LTD Other 1. Adding optional NOW vs LATER a. Evidence of insurability required if requested beyond 31 days from initial employment. LIFE QUESTIONS 1. Rates for Optional Coverage – Pg 32 2. LIFE available as a group, term policy a. For death while an active employee of Shoreline CC LIFE ENROLLMENT LIFE Other a. Evidence of insurability required if requested beyond 60 days from initial employment.
BENEFITS: Retirement Plans Classified Staff Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) Public Employees Retirement Systems (PERS) Plan 2 – Defined Benefit Plan Plan 3 – Defined Benefit/Contribution Components Faculty/Administrators State Board Retirement Plan (SBRP) TIAA-CREF Defined Contribution Plan Contribution amount based on employee age Employee contribution matched 100% by SCC Employee controls allocation of funds Classified Staff: Provided retirement plans by the Washington State Department of Retirement Systems. Employees of Shoreline Community College are eligible to participate in the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) plan. Currently, all new hire employees have an irrevocable choice between PERS Plan 2 and PERS Plan 3. a. Same employer contribution amount for both Plans b. Different employee contribution amount depending on plan selected 1. Plan 2 – Amount contributed set by the state each year 2. Plan 3 – Amount contributed set by employee at time of employment Administrators/Faculty: The companies chosen by the State Board to fund the retirement benefits and maintain records are the Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association (TIAA) and the College Retirement Equities Fund (CREF). TIAA, established in 1918, and CREF established in 1952, are operated by a single management organization. TIAA-CREF is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing pension services primarily to members of the educational and research community. a. Employee contribution amount determined by age 1. 34 and under = 5% 2. 35 – 49 = 7.5% 3. 50 and above = 10% b. SCC matches employee contribution 100%
BENEFITS: Supplemental Retirement Plans Benefit eligible employees have the opportunity for pre-tax contributions to various annuity programs. Contributions are made by the employee only in addition to their required retirement plan deductions. Participation can begin and stop any anytime Contact the Payroll/Benefits Office for enrollment information. Shoreline Community College provides benefit eligible employees the opportunity for pre-tax contributions to various annuity programs as a supplemental retirement investment (RWC 28A.400.250). Supplemental retirement contributions are made by the employee only and are in addition to required employee contributions to the institutionally sponsored retirement programs. Annual IRS guidelines determine the maximum contribution amounts an individual may make to an annuity account within each tax year. Please visit the IRS at www.irs.gov/publications to determine this year’s contribution limits. Available SRA’s 1. Ameriprise 2. Capitol Guardian Trust 3. Deferred Compensation of WA State 4. Fidelity Investments 5. Franklin Trust 6. Greater American Life 7. ING USA Annuity 8. Janus 9. New York Life 10. Oppenheimer Funds 11. TIAA-CREF 12. Vanguard 13. Veritrust Financial 14. Western United Life
BENEFITS: Other Programs Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) Designed to help you save tax dollars on child care services, elder care or care for a disabled spouse or dependent. Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Set aside money on a pre-tax basis to pay for eligible health care expenses. Enrollment available at time of employment or during open enrollment each Fall quarter. Enrollment in these programs is available within first 31 days of employment for current calendar year. 1. Enrollment for the year is irrevocable (can’t quit mid year without a significant change in circumstance) 2. Open enrollment for each year occurs typically each fall. a. Enrollment available for benefit eligible employees
BENEFITS: Other Amenities On-site Child Care Center Library/Media Center Services Wellness/Intramural Programs Cosmetology Program Services Employee Credit Unions Dental Hygiene Program Services Automotive Center services Free parking Employee Advisory Programs (EAP)
Workers Compensation Workers’ Compensation Income protection for on-the-job injuries. All employees are covered by workers’ compensation. JAMIE SMITH working on this slide…..
Your Supervisor will be reviewing the following with you: The structure and workflow of your department. Who your internal and external customers are Your job responsibilities and functions Management expectations for your performance Hours of work including lunchtime and breaks Call-in requirements - Where to go for questions
for your attention during this orientation THANK YOU for your attention during this orientation We Wish You Much Success in Your Career With Us Human Resources is open: Monday – Thursday 8am to 5pm Friday 8am – 4:30pm