Expansion of New England 1630-1700
In 1661, Mary Dyer was the first woman executed for her religious beliefs. Plymouth and Massachusetts Bay grew quickly Many were not “Puritan saints” and there was growing religious frustration and dissent Some colonists left because of these religious differences, but some were forced (Puritans said that settlers had a choice to following their customs and traditions, but if they chose not to then they had to leave)
Connecticut and Rhode Island Thomas Hooker led Boston Puritans to Hartford in 1635 Wrote the “Fundamental Order of Connecticut”- 1st constitution in US New Haven was a growing Puritan settlement – started in 1638 Rhode Island Minister with radical ideas (Roger Williams) - questioned Puritan authority, their right to take land from the Native Americans without fair compensation Settled Providence (with the help of natives) in 1636 Believed in separation of church/state Anne Hutchinson also left Mass. Bay to come to Rhode Island
Conflicts with Natives The spread of English settlements inevitably led to clashed with the Indians, who were particularly weak in New England. They first befriended the English, but as more colonists arrived there was more confrontation. 1637: Pequot War - after conflict broke out between English and Pequot tribe English returned (with their native allies) to burn down a Pequot village, killing hundreds and shooting the survivors - caused continual problems for the next 50 years
Conflicts with Natives 1675: King Philip’s War - The natives only hope was intertribal unity – alliances formed quickly against the English settlements (led by Metacom – called King Philip by the English) - During a series of attacks, natives attacked various (52) villages throughout New England, hundreds of colonists and natives died - Slowed the spread of English settlements, but natives never again really threatened New England