Table 2.3: Beds per 1,000 Persons by State, 2013 and 2014 Supplementary Data Tables, Organizational Trends Table 2.3: Beds per 1,000 Persons by State, 2013 and 2014 State Beds per 1,000 Persons 13 14 Alabama 3.13 3.08 Montana 3.67 3.60 Alaska 2.12 2.22 Nebraska 3.63 3.55 Arizona 2.01 1.98 Nevada 2.03 1.95 Arkansas 3.19 New Hampshire 2.14 California 1.83 1.79 New Jersey 2.40 2.30 Colorado 1.96 New Mexico 1.81 Connecticut 2.17 New York 2.86 2.80 Delaware 2.20 2.19 North Carolina District of Columbia 5.58 5.38 North Dakota 4.04 4.25 Florida 2.72 2.69 Ohio 2.87 2.90 Georgia 2.47 2.42 Oklahoma 2.95 Hawaii 2.02 Oregon 1.72 1.70 Idaho 2.08 Pennsylvania 3.05 2.98 Illinois 2.46 2.45 Rhode Island 2.13 Indiana 2.63 2.61 South Carolina 2.67 2.53 Iowa 3.18 South Dakota 4.92 4.79 Kansas 3.45 Tennessee 3.12 3.06 Kentucky 3.17 Texas 2.33 2.28 Louisiana 3.36 3.24 Utah 1.80 1.77 Maine 2.62 2.54 Vermont 1.92 Maryland 2.09 Virginia 2.18 Massachusetts 2.38 Washington 1.75 Michigan West Virginia 3.80 3.70 Minnesota 2.73 Wisconsin Mississippi 4.29 4.17 Wyoming 3.30 3.14 Missouri 3.07 Source: Analysis of American Hospital Association Annual Survey data, 2014, for community hospitals. US Census Bureau: National and State Population Estimates, July 1, 2014. Link: Data for Chart 2.3 A-22