Warranty PLUS Service PROGRAM* Field Maintenance Central Maintenance Wear Parts Field Repairs Central Repairs Spare Parts Travel Shipping Start Up Warranty PLUS Service PROGRAM* With the Warranty PLUS Service Program, your instrument is started up correctly and you receive total functionality, optimal performance and regular factory-recommended maintenance visits PLUS all necessary wear parts needed during the visit from the very beginning. So not only are you ensuring your Hach instrument is set up correctly, but also that it continues to provide outstanding accuracy while making budget management easier. HACH SERVICE BENEFITS PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDED IN YEARLY FEE Provides total functionality and optimal on-site performance from day one, with Start Up included Provides peace of mind by ensuring regular maintenances, performed by Hach experts Prevents hassle of shipping the unit in case of break down under warranty, by repairing in the field Ensures full coverage for the first 2 years of operation by completing the standard warranty Settings and parameterization according to your wishes Set-up and checking of input and output signals Instruction and training of operating personnel (operating menu, daily maintenance tasks, safety information) Regular on-site factory-recommended maintenance visits Includes wear part replacements required during maintenance visits Start Up work Field maintenance work Travel expenses Wear parts replacements required during maintenance visits On-site repair in case of break down during warranty period Note! Start Up and instruction does not include mounting, plumbing and electrical supply * This program can only be purchased along with an instrument and is valid for 24 months