Latin Roots List #1 1-10
Cred- believe Vocabulary Word: incredulous definition: skeptical Root # 1 Cred- believe Vocabulary Word: incredulous definition: skeptical
Root # 2 Dict; dic - speak, say Vocabulary Word: Abdicate Definition: to formally give up power or place in office
Root # 3 Duc; duce; duct - lead; bring Vocabulary Word: induct Definition: to formally place in office
Root # 4 Anim - mind; will; spirit; soul Vocabulary Word: animate Definition: give life to something
Root # 5 Err, erra – wander Vocabulary Word: erroneous definition: containing error
Root # 6 Fac, fic, fec, fect - make; do Vocabulary Word: affect Definition: to have influence on
Root # 7 Grad, gress, gred – step; move Vocabulary Word: gradually Definition: changing, moving by small degrees
Root # 8 Mal – bad, evil Vocabulary Word: malevolent Definition: having ill will
Root # 9 Fer , ferra - to bring to bear Vocabulary Word: conifer Definition: cone-bearing tree
Root # 10 Jac , jace, ject – to throw Vocabulary Word: conjecture Definition: inference based on incomplete info, educated guess