Washington School Improvement Framework March 2018
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Starting with the Why… Starting with the Why… Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Pursuing Equity through Closing Gaps Continuous Improvement for All Schools Obtain and Retain Effective Educators Flexibility on Use of Resources
Improvement Mindset Everyone is in the business of continuous improvement. Schools are identified for support to improve student learning—they are not identified as failing. Honor what works + explore opportunities to innovate Different needs require different supports. Change takes time.
The What: Improvement Framework
NCLB vs. ESSA Indices NCLB Index WSIF Score Achievement No Child Left Behind Era: Identified the bottom 10% of schools in Priority and Focus Every Student Succeeds Act Era: Establishes a baseline of performance--schools that fall under this are identified for Comprehensive or Targeted supports. NCLB Index WSIF Score Achievement Graduation Rate By All Students + Disaggregated by Student Population Achievement Growth Graduation Rate English Learner Progress School Quality Student Success (SQSS) Attendance 9th Graders on Track Advanced Course Taking (Dual Credit) By All Students + Disaggregated by Student Population
Washington’s Improvement Indicators 1 2 3 4 5 Proficiency ELA & Math Student Growth ELA & Math English Learner Progress Graduation SQSS: Attendance SQSS: 9th Graders on Track Dual Credit Elem & Middle High School All states must meaningfully differentiate schools each year using some specified measures and include other measures where each state has some flexibility. These are Washington’s improvement indicators.
Weighting the Measures Indicators are weighted depending on the grade level configuration of the school.
WSIF & Lowest Performing 5% The WSIF calculation: Each measure is mapped from a percentage to a 1–10 score. Those measure scores are combined and weighted to yield an overall WSIF score ranging from 1–10. Using that WSIF score, the lowest performing 5 percent of schools are identified for comprehensive support.
WSIF & Lowest Performing 5 Percent Set a threshold marking the lowest performing 5 percent of schools (Schools identified for Comprehensive Support). The same threshold will be used with student group WSIF scores to identify schools for Targeted support. Identified for Comprehensive Support
Threshold For Comp Support Use Comprehensive Threshold to Identify Student Groups for Targeted Support Identified for Targeted Support Threshold For Comp Support
The How: System and School Support
NCLB vs. ESSA Indices Support Categories Comprehensive – All Students Composite score for all students and all indicators is below the threshold Comprehensive – All Students Graduation Rate < 67% Comprehensive – Graduation Rate One or more student groups are below the cut score Targeted
NCLB vs. ESSA Supports Differentiated supports matched to need All-Schools Comprehensive Targeted (3+ groups) Targeted (1-2 groups)
Comprehensive Supports Study Who needs the support, and what is needed? Who is doing well? What does research say? Comprehensive Supports Currently Have: Indistar database UW Min Sun analysis Under Development (by June 30, 2018) Develop research methodology for measuring effectiveness of improvement efforts Interim measures of accountability Planned (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019) Alternative Accountability system recommendations Targeted Supports Currently Have Listening and Learning Tour summary analysis Ed NW compile and share PLC best practice Map and gap analysis on OSPI PD Evaluate student group supports Foundational/Self-Directed Supports ESSA indicators and identification process Data informed promising practices Ed NW literature review of SQSS indicators Ed NW success outlier work with middle schools Interstate PLC for SQSS SQSS Success outlier identification and gatherings Ed NW school climate literature review Evaluate webinar series OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/21/2018
Comprehensive Supports What tiered supports are available? Comprehensive Supports Currently Have Tools in Indistar Under Development (by June 30, 2018) Create and pilot a comprehensive needs assessment District Capacity Assessment for implementing EBPs Planned (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019) MTSS Foundational Training Modules (Data Inquiry, TIPs, Action Planning) Targeted Supports Cycle of Inquiry Training On-line MTSS PLC ESD-based learning communities Office hours On-line modules for district/ESD leads Foundational/Self-Directed Supports Foundational framework, current reality assessment and system-level key practices guide SQSS Getting Started tool kits Collect effective practices tools and videos for website Compile and organize data analysis and resource mapping tools Expand EBP capacity Create SQSS Companion tools with Ed NW Develop toolkit adaptation for student groups Deliver EBP, continue capacity building Develop school climate, early warning system and school-base mentoring web content 11/21/2018
Comprehensive Supports Serve How will tiered supports be communicated/deployed? Comprehensive Supports Currently Have Existing Coaching structure Existing ESD structure Under Development (by June 30, 2018) Development of new continuous improvement mentor system OSPI cross agency teams OSPI Case studies Planned (July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019) Launch of continuous improvement mentor system Targeted Supports WSLA Partnership Ed NW Compile and share PLC best practice NIC 2-day trainings Targeted schools summits Facilitate regional peer Learning networks Foundational/Self-Directed Supports Online TA Request Process GATE Webinar series Partnerships with education associations FAQs Communication templates Expand webinar series to migrant, ALE, SpecEd Continue webinar series Launch self-directed, web-based learning modules Formalize work with education partners Expand communication resources, i.e., print and electronic 11/21/2018
OSPI Sample Reports www.k12.wa.us/ESEA/ESSA/SampleDisplay.asp www.k12.wa.us/ESEA/ESSA/SampleDisplay.aspx www.k12.wa.us/ESEA/ESSA/SampleDisplay.asp
http://www.k12.wa.us/esea/essa/default.as px Learn more about ESSA http://www.k12.wa.us/esea/essa/default.as px www.k12.wa.us/esea/essa/
Seek assistance from the Office of System and School Improvement (OSSI) http://www.k12.wa.us/OSSI
Attendance and Chronic Absenteeism EXAMPLE Information and resources available on each indicator 11/21/2018 OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION
More information on supports coming… An invitation for superintendents to attend a regional meeting at the ESD Scheduled Zoom sessions hosted by the ESDs for specific audiences such as: Special Education, English Learners, Title programs, Principals, Small districts, etc. ESDs will continue to work closely with you to gather information on how best to support district needs and plan resources for the 2018-2019 school year. Scheduled ESD Outreach meetings in the spring OSPI looks forward to working with you OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION 11/21/2018