Campus Natural Resources Geography 176C Project Dr. Mike Goodchild May 31, 2007
Objectives “…to build a personal geodatabase spatially detailing the restoration activities of CCBER” “…make spatial decisions concerning restoration management and monitoring protocol, as well as providing an overall measure of success” “…a tool for CCBER outreach in terms of educating the public and obtaining the necessary funding for future and ongoing restoration activities”
Methods Georegistering Building a Geodatabase Digitizing Data Management Field Data Collection Acquisition Merging Groundtruthing Working with CCBER staff
Roadblocks Scale Volume of Data Geodatabase built in 9.2 Entry Collection Geodatabase built in 9.2 Data Storage and Transferring Vegetation Classification Algorithm Spatial Analyst Reads 1 Band of Color Remote Sensing Issue Division and Delegation of Workload
Results Geodatabase with a framework for organizing CCBER spatial data A living dataset containing comprehensive spatial data on the Lagoon Island and Manzanita Village at a scale appropriate for micro-managing restoration projects Model for project continuation on other restoration sites
Impact Transitioning CCBER from cognitive maps to real, visual data Increasing the efficiency and accuracy of communication and decision making within CCBER Aide in CCBER restoration management, outreach, and education
Project Evaluation Model for CCBER spatial database successfully developed Lagoon Island and Manzanita Village dataset populated with data that has already been utilized by CCBER for restoration management and outreach Failed to develop an algorithm for vegetation classification; digitizing used as an alternative Geodatabase not fully populated with data, but framework exists from which it can be completed