Embedding Self-Determination Activities in the Curriculum: Part I


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Presentation transcript:

Embedding Self-Determination Activities in the Curriculum: Part I October 16, 2016 3:30pm-5:00pm 11/21/2018

Research Behind SD and SWD Motivation can be either self-determined or controlled (Othman & Leng, 2011) Two most significant influences on self- determination are parents (Burns, 1982) and teachers (Burnett, 1997) Teachers have a direct influence on a child’s feelings, inspirations, self-concept and attitudes and this influences their academic achievement Support for autonomy by parents (Nooraini, 2004) and teachers (Nunez & Leon, 2015) 11/21/2018

Research Behind SD and SWD Autonomy support by the teacher is a predictor of self-determination in students (Bieg, Backes & Mittag, 2011) Cognitive disabilities do not preclude the development of self-determination (Wehmeyer et al., 2011) Becoming more self-determined is a critical milestone for adolescent development (Wehmeyer et al., 2011) 11/21/2018

What Schools Need to Know For students to acquire self-determination skills, they need instruction and safe settings in which to practice such skills. (Gradoudas, 2014) Active participation in IEP meetings will not occur without instruction (Hughes et al., 2013) The relationship between self-determination skills support an increased focus on the teaching of self- determination skills 11/21/2018

What Schools Need to Know As increasing attention is given to college and career readiness for all students, schools should consider self-determination instruction alongside the academic curriculum and provide opportunities for students to exercise their self-determination skills (Erickson et al, 2015) Students reported that participating in IEP/transition planning helped them be self- determined in college (Eddy, 2010) Teaching students to direct their own learning is critical to self-determination 11/21/2018

12 Components of SD Denney and Daviso (2012) Goal setting and attainment Self-observation, evaluation, and reinforcement skills Self-instruction, self-regulation Self-advocacy and leadership skills Positive attributes of efficacy and outcome expectancy Self-awareness, self-knowledge Choice making Decision making Problem solving Independence, risk taking, and safety skills Internal locus of control did not directly borrow Wehmeyer’s (1995) definition of self-determination, however they included 12 specific components of selfdetermination that Wehmeyer’s (1998) prior work essentially foreshadowed. These components are included in Table 2.   11/21/2018

What Does It Look Like? (Hong et. al., 2011) Capacity to make decisions and take action on one’s future plans Choices made based on free will without interference Proactively solve problems Taking responsibility for oneself/Self-confidence to act with responsibility Directing one’s life Knowing ones strengths and weaknesses (challenges)/Accurate self-assessment of strengths 11/21/2018

What Does It Look Like? Ability to be disciplined and solve problems (Hong et. al., 2011) Ability to be disciplined and solve problems Engaging in self-reflection /self-evaluation The ability to set your own goals and then accomplish them Someone who has vision, short and long term goals, and a plan and the motivation to achieve these The belief that achievements are under their control and they are willing to exert efforts to attain it 11/21/2018

Setting Up a Culture of Autonomy Support Daily goal setting and evaluation of progress Make choices and evaluate the outcomes Student directed learning Academic contract Behavior contract Selecting alternatives to the proposed structure Sharing data and discussions to interpret 11/21/2018

From the Take Action Curriculum Week, month, semester 11/21/2018








Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction 11/21/2018



Modified Version 11/21/2018



Take Action 11/21/2018

Exceptional Children, v69 n4 p431-47 Sum 2003 Increasing Self-Determination: Teaching Students To Plan, Work, Evaluate, and Adjust. Martin, James E.; Mithaug, Dennis E.; Cox, Phil; Peterson, Lori Y.; Van Dycke, Jamie L.; Cash, Mary E. Exceptional Children, v69 n4 p431-47 Sum 2003 From: Increasing Self-Determination: Teaching Students To Plan, Work, Evaluate, and Adjust. Martin, James E.; Mithaug, Dennis E.; Cox, Phil; Peterson, Lori Y.; Van Dycke, Jamie L.; Cash, Mary E. Exceptional Children, v69 n4 p431-47 Sum 2003 11/21/2018


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A closer look – Assistive Technology According to the National Longitudinal Transition Study (NLTS2) - 2012: Comparing postsecondary outcomes of students with high incidence disabilities who reported receiving assistive technology (AT) in high school to those who reported not receiving AT (study included 305,000+ students) 11/21/2018

Look a little further According to NLTS2 99.8% of the students who received AT graduated while only 79.6% of those who did not receive AT graduated. 80.9% of students who received AT attended a postsecondary institution while only 40.1% of students who did not receive AT attended a postsecondary institution. 11/21/2018

Look a little further According to NLTS2 80% of those who received AT had a paying job after high school while only 50.8% of those who did not receive AT had a paying job. Only 7.8% of students with high-incidence disabilities reported receiving AT in high school. 11/21/2018

Assistive Technology What are the implications of the study? How can we better collectively support students based on this information? 11/21/2018

Control Alt Achieve: 21 Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs http://www.controlaltachieve.com/2016/10/special- needs-extensions.html?m=1 11/21/2018

12 Components of SD Denney and Daviso (2012) Goal setting and attainment Self-observation, evaluation, and reinforcement skills Self-instruction, self-regulation Self-advocacy and leadership skills Positive attributes of efficacy and outcome expectancy Self-awareness, self-knowledge Choice making Decision making Problem solving Independence, risk taking, and safety skills Internal locus of control did not directly borrow Wehmeyer’s (1995) definition of self-determination, however they included 12 specific components of selfdetermination that Wehmeyer’s (1998) prior work essentially foreshadowed. These components are included in Table 2.   11/21/2018

Contact Information Elise James, Program Specialist ASPIRE Lead Georgia Department of Education Division of Special Education Services and Supports ejames@doe.k12.ga.us 11/21/2018