Immigration What We Know What We Want to Learn What We Have Learned I know that ___________________________________________________________. I want to know ________________________________________________________. I learned that _________________________________________________________.
capacity clustered embraces bound acquaintances circulated nationalities transplant despaired optimistic page 1
the amount that can be held in a space to gather or grow in bunches a close encircling with the arms as a sign of love or friendship; a hug going or intending to go; headed a person one knows, but who is not a close friend capacity clustered embraces bound acquaintances to pass from person to person the fact or condition of belonging to a particular nation to take from on place and put in another to completely lose hope tending to look on the favorable side of things and believe that everything will turn out for the best circulated nationalities transplant despaired optimistic page 1
capacity embraces acquaintances nationalities despaired clustered bound circulated transplant optimistic
a person one knows, but who is not a close friend tending to look on the favorable side of things and believe that everything will turn out for the best a person one knows, but who is not a close friend to gather or grow in bunches the amount that can be held in a spaced to pass from person to person to take from one place and put in another a close encircling with the arms as a sign of love or friendship; a hug to completely lose hope going or intending to go; headed the fact or condition of belonging to a particular nation capacity embraces acquaintances nationalities despaired clustered bound circulated transplant optimistic
capacity (n) clustered (v) embraces (n) bound (adj) acquaintances (n) circulated (v) nationalities (n) transplant (v) despaired (v) optimistic (adj) I used the pictures from the vocabulary power points, just in this sample. Ideally the students will draw their own pictures.
SQP2RS Title of Article, Chapter, or Book: Survey: (Before you read. What will this reading assignment be about? Look at titles and pictures.) Read! You do not need to write anything in this box. Question: (Before you read. Write 1-3 questions you may be able to answer from reading.) 1. 2. 3. Respond: (After you read. Try to answer questions; modify, drop, and add.) Predict: (Before you read. Can you predict 1-3 things we will learn?) Summarize: (After You Read) Sentence one The Main Idea Sentences two-four Details, Reasons, Examples, and Facts.
SQP2RS Note Taking Page Main Points Details __________________________________________________________________________________
Character Setting Problem Solution
I have the Latin root mem. I have clustered. I have bound. I have acquaintances. I have capacity. I have embraces. I have the first card. Who has the word that means to pass from person to person? Who has the word that means to gather or grow in bunches? Who has the word that means going or intending to go; headed? Who has the word for a person one knows, but who is not a close friend? Who has the word for the amount that can be held in a space? Who has the word for hugs? I have circulated. I have despaired. I have nationalities. I have transplant. I have optimistic I have the Latin root mem. Who has the word that means to completely lose hope? Who has the word for the condition of belonging to a particular nation? Who has the ward that means to take from one place and put in another? Who has the word for looking on the bright side of things? Who has the Latin root for mindful or recall? I have the last card.