From Broadcast to Streaming How to Distribute Educational Programmes in a Digital Environment Goodmorning KW Swedish Broadcasting Thank you very much for inviting me TITLE Exciting times + How to be abroadcaster From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 Krister Widell Projectleader – New Distribution Channels Background, business degree, AMEX, publishing industry job create new digital distribution Channels Report to CEO Mailadress From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company Utbildningsradion Swedish Broadcasting From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 Todays topic About this presentation Background & History Distribution from August 15 2006 Thoughts about the Future How my company intends to distribute our programme in the i future. How and why Donne this in international isolation From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 Pop. 9 million Area 449,964 sq km From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 Stockholm From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 First Broadcast in 1928 Our charter From pre-school to higher education UR channels/frequencies Educational Developement Unlike other National Broadcasters,for example the BBC in the UK, The Swedish national roadcasting consists of three TV, Radio and Education From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
Distribution Infrastructure 1960’s: Audiovisual Mediacentres Currently 47of them, all over the country From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
Times are changing - fast Digital development in general Broadband Infrastructure Copyright Learning and Media From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 Metadata Search & booking HOME Programfiles UR MEDIACENTRAL SCHOOL User frequency BENEFITS ALL MATERIAL CAN BE ORGANISED HOME UR DISTRIBUTE We DO not have responsibility for infrastruture in the municipalities From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 Important Issues File formats Fileserver, Image-files The importance of metadata Media Library, SLI, National Library of Sweden, The importance of infrastructure …and again Copyright From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 The Future Download, DRM-techniques Learning Objects and Learning Processes Portfolios Participative media Digital Storytelling, From Public Service top down to teacher/student bottom up Networks What is the role of a mediacompany in the future? From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15
From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15 Contact Krister Widell e-mail From Broadcast to Streaming 2006-06-15