An overview of the causes of Hitler’s rise to power in Germany.
W.A.L.T. At the end of this lesson you should be able to: Identify and explain a number of factors that led to the rise of the Nazi party Recognise that no single factor led to Hitler’s rise
What we already know. The Nazi Party was formed in 1919 Hitler joined the party shortly after it’s inception Germany was in a state of disarray after the First World War There were many extremist groups in Germany at the time e.g. communists.
1919-1923 Many Germans were disillusioned after the defeat in the First World war. Ex-soldiers felt that they had been ‘Stabbed in the back’ and felt that they had not been defeated on the battlefield. Many of them joined Right Wing groups such as the Freikorps or the Nazi party. The Spartacist rising led to many people fearing a Communist revolution in Germany. People looked to right Wing groups to act against this: the Freikorps in particular. Economic hardship was coupled with humiliation as a result of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles. Right Wing groups gained popularity by saying that they would destroy the ToV.
How did the Nazi party gain support in this period? Military uniforms demonstrated strength at a time when the government was weak Use of force against Communists and Trade Unionists was popular with businesses Populist policies and rhetoric were employed to discredit opponents and win support. References to traditional values and reminders of ‘who was to blame’ for the economic crisis builds support.
1923: Munich Putsch violent uprising By 1923 the Nazi party had gained much support in Bavaria. Now firmly under the control of Adolf Hitler the group attempts to seize control of the government through use of force. Despite having many sympathisers the putsch fails and Hitler is imprisoned. The failure of the Beer Hall Putsch demonstrates that power can only be achieved through legal means i.e. through elections.
Regrouping Whilst in prison Hitler analyses the parties strategy Political strategies are developed and refined There’s a shift to winning electoral support Development of propaganda Attempts to win support of big business
1924-1929 A focus on traditional values Building up fear of Left Wing groups Continued use of military imagery But … there was a lack of electoral support due to the relative prosperity in Germany at the time (Stresemann period)
1929-1932 A Change in Fortunes Wall Street Crash leads to the end of effective financial assistance from USA (Dawes & Young Plans) Unemployment rises rapidly Hyperinflation recurs …fears of a return to 1923 Threat of Communism increases Coalition government fails to address problems successfully
Into Government Electoral support rises: By 1932 the Nazi’s become largest single party in the Reichstag Continuing economic crisis leads to break down of coalitions Aging and ineffective President Hindenburg becomes increasingly reliant upon Article 48 Germany in desperate need of a strong leader (Hitler ?)
In Power In January 1933 Hitler is invited to become Chancellor by politicians who believe that Hitler can be manipulated easily (mistake !) President Hindenburg’s death in 1934 allows Hitler to assume presidential powers – he becomes the Fuhrer Nazi Party’s rise to power is complete
Rise to power: an overview Strong leadership Determination Popular rhetoric and Hitler’s capabilities as a public speaker Weakness of Coalition government Wall Street Crash and the consequent economic collapse Support of significant businessmen Disruption of extremist opponents Fear of Communism