Pattern in the Three Angels Messag e Presented by Click to continue… Part I (Revelation 14:6-12) Edited March 21, 2013
Order in Gods Seal Click to continue… Background
I II III IVVVI VII VIII IX X The Ten Commandments Click to continue…
The Ten Commandments are recorded in Exodus 20:1-17 and also in Deuteronomy 5:6-21. They are the only part of the Bible LITERARY spoken and written by GOD HIMSELF.
I II III IVVVI VII VIII IX X The Ten Commandments Click to continue… Let us now look at the first four Commandments.
I Thou shall have no other gods before Me. Click to continue…
God is our… Click to continue…
II Thou shall not make any graven images… Thou shall not worship them nor serve them… Click to continue…
The only One Who is the Image of God is His… Click to continue…
III Thou shall not take the Name of the Lord Thy God in vain, for God will not hold innocent he who takes His Name in vain. Click to continue…
To not be held innocent is to be found guilty. But we are all guilty unless we are forgiven. If we are not forgiven, it is because we have committed the unpardonable sin which is a sin against the… Click to continue…
Holy Spirit Click to continue…
IV Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work, (continues…) (continues…) Click to continue…
but the Seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God; in it you shall do no labor, (continues…) (continues…) Click to continue…
You, nor your son or your daughter, nor your male or your female servant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger who is within your gates… (continues…) (continues…) Click to continue…
For in six days the Lord [Jehovah] made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day; (Continues) (Continues) Click to continue…
therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy. (The 4th Commandment is the longest.) (The 4th Commandment is the longest.) Click to continue…
The Fourth Commandment is the One which mentions the three characteristics of authority found in governmental seals (name, title and jurisdiction) by declaring Gods Name (Jehovah), His Title (Creator) and His Jurisdiction (Heaven, Earth, Sea, and all that is in them). As His seal, this commandment expresses Gods will. It renders honor to the rest God established for mankind on creation week when on the seventh-day He blessed and made holy the… Click to continue…
In honoring the first four Commandments, we are honoring God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Further, we are honoring Gods Will. Click to continue…
I II III IV FatherSon Holy Spirit Sabbath The Original Law and Seal of Authority
The Sabbath Commandment declares that God is the Creator of Earth Heaven In that order… Sea ALL that is in them. Click to continue…
Father Son Holy Spirit Sabbath Heaven Earth Sea All Click to continue…
The Father is in Heaven The Son came to Earth Water is a symbol of the Holy Spirit Sea The Sabbath is for All Click to continue…
These four Commandments were summed up by Moses: Love God with all your heart, and all your soul and all your might, (Deuteronomy 6:5) and Jesus quoted it. (Matthew 22:37) Click to continue…
Father Son Holy Spirit Sabbath Click to continue…
1.Honor the Father. Have no other gods. 2.Honor the Son. Worship no images. 3.Honor the Holy Spirit. Do not take Gods Name in vain. 4.Honor Gods will. Remember His Sabbath. It is for all. If you love me, keep my commandments. Jesus (John 14:15) Click to continue… The Seventh-Day is the Sabbath.
Click to exit… AMEN