Metabolic Interrelations Title slide - metabolic interrelations
Fuel --> metabolism --> waste Intermediate storage --> utilization when needed
Disposition of glucose, amino acids, & fat in a well-fed state.
Metabolic interrelationships of major tissues in the early fasting state.
Metabolic interrelations of major tissues in the fasting state.
Glutamine catabolism by rapidly dividing cells. a. enterocytes.
Glutamine catabolism by rapidly dividing cells. b. lymphocytes.
Metabolic interrelationships of major tissues in the early refed state.
Gut and kidney function together in synthesis of arginine from glutamine.
Liver provides glutathione for other tissues; a reducing agent.
Kidney and liver provide carnitine for other tissues - required for fatty acid transport.
The five phases of glucose homeostasis in humans.
Phase definitions.
Control of hepatic metabolism in the fasting state by allosteric effectors..
Activity and state of phosphorylation of enzymes subject to covalent modification in the lipogenic liver.
Activity and state of phosphorylation of enzymes subject to covalent modification in the glucogenic liver.
Enzymes induced in the liver of the well-fed individual.
Enzymes induced in the liver of an individual during fasting.
Metabolic interrelations of tissues in various nutritional, hormonal, and disease states. obesity
Previous figure continued Noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Continued Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus
Continued exercise
Continued pregnancy
Continues lactation
Continued stress
Continued Liver disease
Continued Kidney failure
Continued Ethanol ingestion
Continued acidosis
Intracellular glutamine cycle in the liver.
Bacterial fermentation generates fuel for coloncytes.
A picture of the major energy metabolism pathways.
Another picture of tissue relationships.