UtilityAMI General Meeting October 22, 2008 Erich W. Gunther UCAIug Board Member
Agenda 9:00 – Introductions 9:15 – Terry Mohn 9:30 - UCAIug / OpenSG Overview 9:45 - Task Force Reports 10:15 - Work planning / general discussion 10:30 - Break 10:45 - OpenHAN TF Meeting Noon - EPRI Lunch and Tour 2:00 - AMI-Network TF Meeting 3:30 - Break 5:00 - Adjourn
Open Smart Grid Subcommittee Organization and Overview Erich W. Gunther UCAIug Board Member
UCA International Users Group Incorporated in June 2002 as a 501(c)(3) Corporation Organization supports individual and corporate members 111 corporate members Members from 29 countries Hundreds of “friends of UCAIug” – members of our various informative list servers
UCAIug Mission (from charter) The mission of the UCA International Users Group is to enable utility integration through the deployment of open standards by providing a forum in which the various stakeholders in the utility industry can work cooperatively together as members of a common organization to: Influence, select, and/or endorse open and public standards appropriate to the utility market based upon the needs of the membership. Specify, develop and/or accredit product/system-testing programs that facilitate the field interoperability of products and systems based upon these standards. Implement educational and promotional activities that increase awareness and deployment of these standards in the utility industry.
Coordination with External Groups Close relationships with SDO’s, research organizations, and others – formal and informal Category D liaison with IEC TC 57 EPRI IEEE Power and Energy Society Intelligent Grid Coordinating Committee (PES IGCC) DOE GridWise Architecture Council (GWAC) DOE Modern Grid Initiative NIST EISA 2007 DEWG’s ZigBee Alliance ZB/HP – Wayne Longcore – looking for a liaison GridWise Alliance Interoperability – Ron Ambrosio - IBM Implementation – Rob Wilheit - KEMA CCET – Texas – interop standards Utility Standards Board – need to coordinate Smart Energy Alliance – Doug Housman UNITE Many others
Board of Directors The Organization members elect a Board of Directors. Each corporate representative can cast one vote. Members of the Board of Directors serve for a period of three years each. The periods of service are staggered so that each year one third of the board members are elected. The Board makes major decisions and directs key activities. The Board has nine positions, six are utilities (end users) and three are vendors or others. The Board members (individuals) are allowed to hold their seats even if their eligibility status changes (e.g., they move from a user to vendor company) during their tenure unless they are removed or replaced by Board action. The Board meets yearly to elect the Board Chairman and the operational officers and review progress of the Organization. Board responsibilities include: Establishing/approval of development direction based on member input. Approving the annual budget. Monitoring Organization progress vs. targets. Approving committee co-chairs recommended by the respective Committees/Subcommittees. Recommending Bylaws. Electing and advising operating staff.
Current Board Dan Nordell - Xcel Energy Stephen Dalyai - QEI Inc. Mike Ingram - TVA Mark Simon - ComEd (Exelon) Thierry Lefebvre - RTE Clemens Hoga - Siemens John Burger - AEP Erich W. Gunther - EnerNex Corporation Wayne Longcore - Consumers Energy
OpenSG Subcommittee Organization OpenSG is a administrative subcommittee responsible for sponsoring working groups as needed to address smart grid related requirements and interoperability guidelines development in a technology independent manner UtilitySG is an interest group under the OpenSG subcommittee The UtilitySG IG is a utility or energy service provider driven activity It acts as a forum for utilities to share ideas and lessons learned It provides guidance to the OpenSG SC on the need for new working groups to develop SG requirements http://osgug.ucaiug.org/
Present OpenSG WG/TF Membership Join the UCAIug at: http://www.ucaiug.org/Pages/join.aspx Get web site user ID at: http://osgug.ucaiug.org/ Join mailing lists at: http://listserv.utilityami.org/archives/index.html List Subscribers as of September 21, 2008 AMI Enterprise Task Force (63 subscribers) AMI Security (131 subscribers) AMI Network (new – no data yet) UtilityAMI Guests (75 subscribers) UtilityAMI HAN TF (152 subscribers) UtilityAMI Members (90 subscribers)
UtilityAMI Definition, Mission and Goal UtilityAMI is …A forum to define serviceability, security and interoperability guidelines for advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and demand responsive infrastructure (DRI) from a utility / energy service provider perspective.
UtilityAMI Definition, Mission and Goal UtilityAMI will develop high level policy statements that can be used to facilitate efficient requirements and specification development using a common language that minimizes confusion and misunderstanding between utilities and vendors. UtilityAMI will also coordinate with other industry groups as required to efficiently carry out its mission.
UtilityAMI Definition, Mission and Goal UtilityAMI has a goal to utilize the UtilityAMI work products to influence the vendor community to produce products and services that utilities need to support their AMI and DRI initiatives.
UtilityAMI Tasks Glossary and Common Language Framework A universal AMI glossary of terms and definitions A framework for technology capability evaluation A common, minimum requirements definition document Modular Meter Interface – Transferred to OpenAMI Policy for modular communication interfaces in meters Security – AMI-SEC Task Force (under UtiliSec WG) Security issues and their relationship to business needs Consumer Interface – OpenHAN Task Force Policy for Customer Portal interface to customer end user appliances AMI Network Interface – AMI-Network Task Force Policy for AMI network to MDMD/head end & HAN interfacing Back Office Interface – AMI-Enterprise Task Force Policy for MDMS to enterprise back office system connectivity General Issues Forum – Information Exchange NEW – http://www.smartgridipedia.org/
UtilityAMI 2008 HAN SRS Promotes open standards-based HANs that are interoperable Provides the vendor community with a common set of principles and requirements around which to build products Ensures reliable and sustainable HAN platforms Supports various energy policies in a variety of states, provinces, and countries Empowers citizens with the information they need to make decisions on their energy use by enabling the vision of a home energy ecosystem
HAN SRS Ratification Vote Unanimous Mar 7, 2008 AEP SCE SDG&E PG&E Detroit Edison FPL BC Hydro Entergy Consumers Energy CenterPoint Energy Oncor EDF Endorsing Utilities: Duke Energy Reliant Energy
Task Force Update OpenHAN – main work complete AMI-Enterprise – major effort underway AMI-SEC – major effort underway AMI-Network – first meeting Oct 22, 2008 UtilitySG Interest Group – proposed
UtilitySG Interest Group - Proposed What is the problem we are trying to solve? Need for general utility collaboration forum on smart grid development to minimize duplication of effort and manage expenses associated with industry participation Scope Share experiences on smart grid development Smart Grid roadmap development Smart Grid business case development Share lessons learned Provide guidance to OpenSG SC
Benefits of UtilitySG under UCAIug Well established, non profit 501(c)(3) organization focused on Utility Communication Architecture related activities Existing by-laws, charter, operating rules Mitigate anti-trust concerns Established information sharing portals Access to all other UCAIug WG materials and expertise – e.g. CIM UG, 61850 UG, UtiliSec, AMI family of WG’s and TF’s
Questions? For any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us Note: Full participation requires UCAIug membership – join at http://www.ucaiug.org/ Erich W. Gunther EnerNex Corporation erich@enernex.com Wayne R. Longcore Consumers Energy wrlongcore@cmsenergy.com
Agenda 9:00 - Introductions 9:20 - UCAIug / OpenSG Overview 9:45 - Task Force Reports 10:15 - Work planning / general discussion 10:30 - Break 10:45 - OpenHAN TF Meeting Noon - EPRI Lunch and Tour 2:00 - AMI-Network TF Meeting 3:30 - Break 5:00 - Adjourn
General Discussion Lessons Learned Work planning Other discussion Utility requests for information – publish on web site Regulatory recover mechanisms Business case elements – where’s the beef? Vendor / Technology evaluation methods Presentation from Doug Housman Work planning What are we missing? Other discussion
OpenHAN Meeting Feedback on the SRS What should OpenHAN be focused on? How is it being used? Any fundamental flaws and ommissions detected so far? Maintenance items? Endorsements to add What should OpenHAN be focused on? New task? Interaction with ZigBee / HomePlug Interaction with other HAN groups
Agenda 9:00 - Introductions 9:20 - UCAIug / OpenSG Overview 9:45 - Task Force Reports 10:15 - Work planning / general discussion 10:30 - Break 10:45 - OpenHAN TF Meeting Noon - EPRI Lunch and Tour 2:00 - AMI-Network TF Meeting 3:30 - Break 5:00 - Adjourn
AMI-Network Meeting Purpose, Scope, Goals
Agenda 9:00 - Introductions 9:20 - UCAIug / OpenSG Overview 9:45 - Task Force Reports 10:15 - Work planning / general discussion 10:30 - Break 10:45 - OpenHAN TF Meeting Noon - EPRI Lunch and Tour 2:00 - AMI-Network TF Meeting 3:30 - Break 5:00 - Adjourn