RESEARCH METHODOLOGY FEM 3002, Credit Hour = 3(2+1) face to face 1, 6 SEPTEMBER 2015 Instructor: Siti Nor Binti Yaacob Department of Human Development and Family Studies Faculty of Human Ecology Universiti Putra Malaysia Contact #: 012-284-1844 Email:
Course Objectives FEM 3002 is a compulsory course for the Bachelor Science (Human Development) programme. At the end of this modul students will be able to: discuss the philosophy of research, and the concepts of science and the scientific methods. describe the research design in human development describe the steps in preparing and conducting a research project analyze and interpret research data and prepare a research report.
Course Objectives Introduction to research design and analysis in Human Development. Meaning of science, scientific research and its application in Human Development. Research planning process, data analysis and interpretation, report writing and presentation of research findings. (Pengenalan kepada rekabentuk dan analisis penyelidikan di dalam Pembangunan Manusia. Pengertian Sains, penyelidikan saintifik dan penggunaannya di dalam Pembangunan Manusia. Perancangan dan proses penyelidikan, analisis dan interpretasi data, penulisan dan penyampaian hasil penyelidikan).
FEM3002 Course Evaluation No. Item % 1. COURSEWORK 70 i) Test 1 20 ii) Assignment 1 (Individual task): Anatomy of research article 15 iii) Assignment 2 (Individual task): Research proposal 25 Assignment 3 (Individual task): SPSS 10 2. FINAL EXAM (Comprehensive) 30 Total 100
REFERENCES Beins, B. C. (2003). Research methods: A tool for life. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon. Charles, S. (2007). Research methods for the behavioral sciences (3rd. ed.). Boston, MA: Houghton Miffin Co. Creasey, G. L. (2006). Research methods in lifespan development. Boston, MA: Pearson Education. Devlin, A. S. (2006). Research methods: Planning, conducting and presenting research. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth Gravetter, F. J. (2006). Research methods for the behavioral sciences. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth McBurney, D. H. (2004). Research methods (6th ed.). Australia: Thomson/Wadsworth Trochim, William M. (2006). The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition. Internet WWW page, at URL: <>
Objective and Subjective Test & Exam Structure: Objective and Subjective