Nuclear Fission
Engager: Use only the information in the table to answer these Questions Problem 1: Polythene sheeting Your company makes polythene sheeting by passing thick sheets of polythene through rollers. How would you make sure the sheeting is of even thickness? Students through cloud radioactivity.. Anything and everything they know. Problem 2: Lungs You are a hospital consultant specializing in treating people with breathing problems. You suspect that one of your patients has a blockage in an air passage in one of her lungs. How can you check?
Engager: Answers Solution to Problem 1 Problem 1: The Solution Use Sr-90 as a beta source in a thickness gauge. Why Beta? Solution to Problem 2 Problem 2: The Solution Use Xe-133 as a gamma source to trace the movement of gas in the lungs. Why Gamma? Why not Co-60? as a source?
To understand what Nuclear Fission is Progress To design a chain reaction of Uranium -235. To justify the different parts in a nuclear power plant. To explain what happens in a nuclear fission.
To demonstrate good progress in this lesson Name Will… To design a chain reaction of Uranium -235. To justify the different parts in a nuclear power plant. To explain what happens in a nuclear fission. The Honley Learning Mindset Advocate for this lesson is… Matthew – will show resilience by not giving up if he finds something difficult.
Connector – What does Nuclear energy mean to you? Students copy and complete or print and fill gaps Mention the protection used in situations where ionising radiation is used in the real world (dentists, hospitals etc) and the protections they use
Connector – How does a nuclear power station work?
Main parts in a Nuclear reactor? Control rods are made from Boron these absorb unwanted Neutrons to slow down the nuclear reaction Water is used as a moderator and a coolant inside the reactor Fuel rods contain either enriched Uranium -235 or Plutonium - 239
Definition of Nuclear Fission? Nuclear fission is the splitting of large and unstable nucleus. NOT AN ATOM Spontaneous nuclear fission is rare and for fission to occur a neutron needs to be absorbed by a unstable nucleus A Neutron is absorbed by a unstable nucleus, Nucleus undergoes fission splits into two smaller nuclei, This release lots of energy and Gamma radiation, 2 or 3 neutrons are also released, These neutrons may go on to start a chain reaction.
What is meant by a chain reaction? A chain reaction is a reaction that continues another reaction, which triggers another one and so on. Mouse Traps Matches
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction Little bang
Chain Reaction Little bang
Chain Reaction Little bang
Chain Reaction Little bang
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction Bigger bang
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction Even bigger bang
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Chain Reaction
Extremely large bang
After 30 cycles, more than 68000 billion atoms have been spilt
Securing activity – complete the GCSE Question
Self Marking Additional mark for correct spelling and grammar. Up to 5 marks for any of the following points: Nucleus absorbs a neutron. This causes the nucleus to split into two smaller nuclei. In addition, energy is released as gamma radiation, as well as further neutrons are released. These neutrons can then be absorbed by other nuclei and cause further fissions, triggering a chain reaction. The moderator slows down the neutrons to ensure that they are absorbed by the nuclei. The control rods, absorb any additional neutrons, ensuring that the chain reaction is kept at a steady rate. The control rods can be raised and lowered to maintain the chain reaction at a steady rate. The energy released from the fission, can be used to heat water. Additional mark for correct spelling and grammar. Keywords: Fission, Splitting, Uranium, Plutonium, Spontaneous, Chain Reaction, Controlled
Worksheets to print
Main parts in a Nuclear reactor?