Abdominal Front (anterior) body trunk from the ribs to the hips
Antecubital Front (anterior) surface of the elbow
Axillary Armpit
Brachial Arm from the shoulder to the elbow
Buccal Cheek
Carpal Wrist
Cervical Neck region
Deltoid Roundness of the shoulder (caused by underlying deltoid muscle)
Digital Fingers or Toes (can also be called phalangeal)
Femoral Thigh
Inguinal Area where thigh meets body trunk (in general it is the groin region; think underwear line)
Mammary Breast region of the chest
Manus Hand
Nasal Nose
Oral Mouth
Orbital Eye
Patellar Front (anterior) knee region (kneecap region)
Pelvic Pelvis region between abdominal and inguinal regions
Peroneal Side of the leg
Pubic Genital region
Sternal Breastbone region
Tarsal Ankle
Thoracic Chest
Umbilical Navel, belly button region
Cephalic Head
Gluteal Buttocks, butt
Lumbar Lower back between the ribs and the hips
Occipital Base of the skull on the back (posterior) of the head
Popliteal Back (posterior) knee region
Scapular Shoulder blade region
Sural Calf region, back (posterior) surface of lower leg
Vertebral Spine/backbone area