Zero to Sixty in 1 Year Andrew Olennick
Zero to Sixty in 1 Year How can you get your company up to speed on your Power BI journey? Not a framework One person’s experience
Session Agenda How did I begin my Power BI journey? The 1st Year of Customer Service’s journey What about the rest of Caltex? Year 2 and beyond
Andrew Olennick Business Analyst, Caltex Australia
My Journey begins
Searching for an answer Lots of data …. but what can it tell us? Joined CS in 2014 Always surrounded by data In 2015, looking for a way to tap into data for our new customer portal
My 20% project Building a platform No Data Warehouse
Year 1
Sample Only The first Dashboard The Department monthly dashboard Started in Jan 2017 with nothing (zero)
How do you explain Power BI? Can I print it? When not to use Automating Excel manipulation
How to Wow Save time Use pretty graphs
Building speed StarCard Refresh Phone Team reports Self Serve Target Single View of Customer
Band-Aids & sticky tape Microsoft Flow SharePoint publishing No Gateway
Reaching 60
Everyone else
Community Peer-to-Peer Sydney PUG Caltex PUG
Year 2…
Aim for the Sky Daily Data Culture Embedded Real-time Forecasting
Upskilling Different skill levels In-house training capability Consumer Painter Builder In-house training capability Future-proofing
Consolidate & Expand Core Datasets Refresh of early reports Spring clean
Standard Tool Would you like a report with that?
Andrew Olennick Business Analyst, Caltex Australia
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