ANNUAL RE-REGISTRATION August 1 st – September 30th
Click on: Registration LETS BEGIN
After verifing or changing your unit demographics, Click: Save UNIT DEMOGRAPHICS
Click here to update inventory INVENTORY
First: Review, Edit, Update, Delete inventory items or… keep it the same. Then click: Submit Inventory INVENTORY
Click: Re-Register or Discharge For each Young Marine and Registered Adult listed. RE-REGISTRATION
After Re-Registering ONLY those who will be returning for the new year… Click: Submit Note: If you are in doubt if someone is returning do not re-register them. If/when they do return it is easy to pull them back in and get them registered. RE-REGISTRATION
First Verify the number of people you have re- registered and discharged Then Click: OK Note: If your numbers are not correct, click Cancel and this will take you back to the previous screen where you can choose to Re-register or Discharge. RE-REGISTRATION
First: Click Invoice and Print Next: Click Registered Adult Agreement Forms and print Note: It is very important that you click and open BOTH links and PRINT all documents. Note: Adults with zero charges are not required to sign Adult Agreement Forms. RE-REGISTARTION
Re-Registration Forms Invoice: You can pay your invoice online or send it in with the rest of your re-registration forms.
Re-Registration Forms Group Exemption Form: It is required by law that the National Headquarters have the Group Exemption Form from each unit in our files. Please complete the Group Exemption Form and mail it in with the rest of your re-registration documents.
Re-Registration Forms Note: Adults with zero charges are not required to sign Adult Agreement Forms. Adult Agreement Forms: Each adult must sign their Adult Agreement Form and include it with the re- registrations documents that are being sent in. Any Adult whos Adult Agreement Form is not sent in will be un-registered and removed from the database.
Re-Registration Forms Re-registration Forms Review: Invoice Paid Group Exempt Form Sent Adult Agreement Forms Sent
Re-Registration Forms Should Be Sent To: Young Marines National Headquarters Attention: Re-Registration P.O. Box SW Station Washington, DC 20024
SundayMondayTuesday Wednesd ay ThursdayFridaySaturday September RE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE Re-Registration is due by: September 30th
Have questions or need help? Visit the LIBRARY at : In the library you will find: Frequently Asked Questions & Instructions
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