With a lid, keys and handle Slab Container
Base shape
Lids & knobs & Keys
Slab container Requirements made completely using the slabs be at least 4 inches tall, and 4 inches across have a lid with a knob/handle that sits securely using keys incorporate either texture or a pattern Greenware Deadline: Friday 9/18/15
Sketches! Sketch two different slab containers, both with: 3D sketch 2D/net/pieces sketch Lid type (overhanging, cap or inset) Texture Bring up your sketches when you’re ready to make your paper pattern pieces
Paper model of Slab container Draw and measure a paper pattern for the walls and lid of your slab container (if pieces repeat, you only need one pattern piece) Don’t forget to account for the thickness of the clay Measure twice, cut once. Bring up your paper model when you’re ready for clay
Wall Wall Base Lid Wall
Slab container directions 1. Start by rolling out slabs of even thickness (no thinner than ¼ inch). 2. Cut out ALL your pattern pieces. 3. Test the fit of your pieces & trim/recut if necessary. 4. When your pieces are leatherhard, start attaching your walls to your base and to each other. -Remember to score and slip, and if you have sharp corners, you might need to bevel/miter your corners. -You can reinforce corners and seams by using a small coil pressed into the corners. -Consider adding/carving your design into your slabs before you attach your walls.
Lid directions 5. Once the walls are set up, measure or trace the top rim of your container. 6. Roll a slab of even thickness, and cut out EITHER the shape and size of your rim (overhanging), a rim that is ¼- ½ inch larger all around (cap), or a shape that fits inside of your container for a lid (inset). Let slab become leather-hard. 7. Attach a coil-ring or small pieces of clay to the underside of your lid to create your key. (For an overhanging lid keys are placed on the interior of the lid, cap lid keys are placed directly on the outside edge.) 8. Attach a small sphere or loop to the top of your lid to create a knob.
Finishing slab container 9. Add embellishments, textures, and/or patterns throughout your container. 10. Write your initials and period on the lid AND the container. Let lid and container dry separately.
Slab Container rubric Directions & Techniques - Followed all project requirements (initials & period, 4” tall and 4” wide, usable size, lid w/ knob & keys) used all appropriate techniques (all slab construction, lid fits snuggly) Composition & Creativity - Interesting from all angles; pattern and/or texture incorporated & enhances the piece; form showcases high level of creativity; artistic risk-taking Craftsmanship - High level of craftsmanship (surfaces, details, connections/scoring & slipping); no extra marks, gashes, remnants, or cracks, no lumpiness Effort & Participation - Student worked every day for the entire period without a reminder; cleaned up adequately and at the appropriate time each day; took responsibility for their project, work area, and respected the projects and work areas of others