National Board Certified Teacher Mentor Training October 2nd, 2012 Next segment we are going to focus in on NCPTS & NCEES SBOE communicates the expectations for teachers via the standards and utilizes the NCEE to document all component of the process. Begin to establish shared knowledge on the standards and components of evaluation process Ethan Todd; Executive Director of Human Resources
Topics Role/Relationship Format Stipend New Candidate numbers Questions and Feedback
Role & Relationship Linking the 5 commitments of NBT to the ISS way Following the ISS National Board Candidate Mentor “job description” Sign Agreement of Trust Abide by and uphold NC code of conduct for teachers. A point you might use when discussing performance rating with teachers isIt indicate a teacher is successfully meeting the professional expectations for that Element or Standards.
Five Core Propositions SW PANC 2012.09.07 Five Core Propositions Teachers are committed to students and their learning. Teachers know the subjects and how to teach them to students. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. Teachers serve as members of learning communities. Demonstrate Leadership Establish Environment Know Content Reflect on Practice 11/21/2018 • page 4
NBPTS Five Core Propositions and NCTEP Five Teaching Standards Committed to students and their learning Serve as members of learning communities Responsible for managing and monitoring student learning Think systematically about their practice and learn from experience Know the subjects and how to teach them to students Standard 1: Teachers Demonstrate Leadership Standard 3: Teachers know the Content they teach Standard 2: Teachers establish a Respectful Environment for a diverse population of students Identifying only three rating categories on standard 6 & 8 improves certainty of categorization. Standard 4: Teachers Facilitate Learning Standard 5: Teachers Reflect on their Practice
National Board Mentor Job Description SW PANC 2012.09.07 National Board Mentor Job Description Mentor Job Description Ethics Contribute to Academic Success Reflect on Practice Facilitate Learning 11/21/2018 • page 6
Format Monthly/Bimonthly meetings based on needs of candidates: SW PANC 2012.09.07 Format Monthly/Bimonthly meetings based on needs of candidates: Core Propositions Mapping entries/Documented Accomplishments Writing, recognizing evidences Analyzing student work samples Video taping Analyzing portfolio entry questions Assessment Center Pack the box
Publication to help guide our work. SW PANC 2012.09.07 Publication to help guide our work. 11/21/2018 • page 8
Stipend/Forms review: SW PANC 2012.09.07 Stipend/Forms review: Stipend plan Trust agreement Mentor contact log instructions Mentor log sheet 11/21/2018 • page 9
Status October To dos: Assign Candidates- OCT 4th SW PANC 2012.09.07 October To dos: Assign Candidates- OCT 4th Mentor establishes contact and starts relationship- OCT 12th Mentors report back to Executive Director of HR via email- OCT 17th Mentee PD needs Support calendar Trust agreement to Executive Director of HR Unanswered questions Others? Status Ongoing support and establishment of mutually agreed upon framework to support candidate. 11/21/2018 • page 10
Questions? Ethan Todd Executive Director of Human Resources 704-924-2009