West Sussex SEND Pathways to Adulthood Strategy The story so far
Purpose of this event/activity To enable anyone who is interested in improving outcomes for young people with SEND and their families to have a voice in shaping the Pathways to Adulthood Strategy (PtA); To share the work that is already underway and gain further input to it; To hear and record people’s views on the outcomes the Strategy should aim to achieve.
Why do we need the PtA Strategy? To set out how we will put in place all the elements of the Children and Families Act, 2014; and the Care Act, 2014 that apply to young people between the ages of 16 – 25; To help everyone who with an interest in this area of work to know and understand what we are seeking to achieve; and how, together we aim to achieve it; To help us focus on doing the right things; in the right place; with the right people; at the right time.
What has happened so far?
Pathways to Adulthood Strategy The Story so Far The PtA Strategy will be closely aligned to other local strategies and plans that aim to improve outcomes for young people with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities.
Pathways to Adulthood Strategy The Story so Far We have…………… Formed a Steering Group to drive the development of the Strategy and ensure it is put into practice; Co-produced a pathway at a West Sussex Parent Carer Forum led event “What’s After School?” for 16 – 25 year olds entitled Your Life, Anything is Possible. The output from this will be included in the PtA Strategy;* Developed a draft vision for everyone to work towards; Developed some guidance about the ways in which we will work to achieve the vision; Identified some key priorities that we think the Strategy should focus on;
Your Life, Anything is Possible – a shared PATH * June 17th 2016
And we have……… Started work on 3 practical initiatives: “Employable Me” - Access to work related and employment opportunities; Staying Connected - Ways of helping young people who have been educated away from their home communities to re-establish connections with friends and networks when they return; Information and communication - focused on helping young people with SEND and their parent carers to know more about the PtA Strategy and what support and opportunities can be accessed through the Local Offer and Connect to Support.
The vision? The SEND Pathways to Adulthood Strategy is about improving outcomes for young people with SEN&D. Its primary focus is to enable young people to have more control over their lives; achieve as much independence as possible – including how to keep themselves safe and healthy; realise their ambitions and progress successfully into adult life.
But what do you think the vision should be? What did you need in the past that you didn’t get? What would help you now? What would help you in the future?
The draft vision meant we thought the Strategy was about enabling and supporting young people to: Acquire the skills they need to move successfully through their education; and pursue vocational opportunities; Participate in volunteering opportunities; work experience; supported internships; apprenticeships; job coaching; and paid employment; Develop the skills they need to keep themselves safe and healthy; travel independently; manage their finances; live in their own accommodation; and form and sustain positive relationships with friends and others into adult life;
The draft vision meant that we thought the Strategy was about enabling and supporting young people to: Know what health services are available to keep themselves safe and healthy - including mental health services, and how to access what they need to maintain or achieve good health and well-being; Become and remain active citizens; living and participating in society and making a positive contribution to their communities.
But what do you think. What did you need and when did you need it But what do you think? What did you need and when did you need it? What do you need now? What will you need in the future? The Strategy is about enabling and supporting young people to… What did you need in the past that you didn’t get? And when was that? What would help you now? What would help you in the future?
Priorities We thought the priorities the Strategy should focus on could be………. I am enabled to live as independently as possible; I will be able to make a positive contribution to the community I live in; I will be enabled or supported to take part in more learning, training or employment opportunities; I will be able to access housing options that mean I can live safely on my own or with others; I am enabled or supported to enjoy the best possible health and emotional wellbeing.
But what do you think the Strategy should be focusing on?
What Priorities would you choose?
…………and what would success look like?
What would you like to see happen? What one thing would make the biggest difference?
Anything else?
Next Steps All the input gathered from events and activities will be added to the PtA Strategy or the plan for putting the Strategy into place. We intend to publish the final PtA Strategy and plan by the end of March 2017. Then we’ll all need to make it happen………..
Appendix 1 Optional slides which could be used to support activities on Priorities
I am enabled to live as independently as possible What will success look like?
What will success look like? I will be able to make a positive contribution to the community in which I live What will success look like?
I will be supported to access further learning, training or employment opportunities What will success look like?
I will have access to housing options that mean I can live safely alone or with others What will success look like?
I am able to enjoy the best possible health and emotional wellbeing. What will success look like?
Appendix 2 Optional slides for reference or activities – Focused on key ways of working the strategy Steering Group believe will help Deliver our vision
Key ways of working to deliver our vision Our approach to ensuring the successful implementation of the Strategy will include using the vision as a touchstone to underpin and drive the work forward and the following ways of working to be a part of everything we do: Focus our energies and work together on the key priorities identified in the Strategy to ensure we make the best use of our time and resources; Continue to use and further embed co-production and design methods with all those affected by the Strategy, in our approach to how it is put into practice; Adopt a personalised, strengths and assets-based approach to how we work with and support all young people with SEN&D and their families; Raise the aspirations: of young people with SEN&/or D and those who support or work with them, re their capacity to achieve a fulfilling adult life;
Key ways of working to deliver our vision Enable young people with SEN&D to know and understand how to keep themselves safe from harm and exploitation; and what to do if they are concerned about themselves or others; and ensuring the right protections are in place to safeguard them; Enable young people with SEND to keep themselves healthy and active; Enable access to a wide range of Post 16 educational provision: to support young people in achieving their aspirations; Facilitate access to high quality information in a range of accessible formats for young people; their families and those who work with them; Have a systematic approach to collecting and analysing the right information and data so we can make the best planning and commissioning decisions;
But what do you think. What did you need and when did you need it But what do you think? What did you need and when did you need it? What do you need now? What will you need in the future? Key ways of working to deliver our vision