15th Monday, January Day 1
Weather Weather
Birthdays Birthdays Chachad, Om 3 Januchta, Matthew 7 Melander, Rylar Mills, Shae 5 Rana, Mustafa 6 Birthdays Birthdays
In the Gym NB #1 NB #2 Sr Boys basketball practice. After School
In the Music Room NB #1 Closed NB #2 Closed After School
Music Monday Today marks the birthday of American born rapper, Armando Christian Perez, more commonly known as, Pitbull. Today he turns 36.
Welcome back grade 7s and 8s who travelled to St-Donat, Québec! Nous avons beaucoup pratiqué le français. Quelle experience !
Merci beaucoup !!!
St Donat Lost and Found Anything that was left on the bus was collected and brought to Mme Parés office (the 2nd floor photo copy room)
INDOOR TRACK AND FIELD- GR. 6, 7, 8 If you were on the relay team last June that competed at Mohawk please meet in Mrs. Durfey’s room for a brief information session about indoor track- Tuesday-1st NB- 10:50
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Go Winter Wildcats!