The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage? (EYFS) The EYFS is how the Government and early years professionals describe the time in your child's life between birth and 5.The final year of the EYFS is when children are in a reception class of a primary school. It enables children to learn through PLAY. Adults observe, interact and extend this play. In this way, children are learning at the correct pace and without pressure. It builds on what the children already know and can do and can change with the children's interests!
Areas of learning… There are 3 Prime areas and 4 Specific areas Personal, social and emotional development (PSED) Communication and language (C and L) Physical Development (PD) These areas are essential if future learning and healthy development are to be successful.
Specific Areas of Learning The prime areas will help them to develop the skills in the remaining 4 specific areas of; Literacy – Reading and Writing Mathematics – Number and Shape Space and Measure Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Phonic Knowledge Phonics is taught daily as a discrete 20 minute lesson Orally blending and segmenting Letter sounds are learnt first, then their names Segmenting and blending words (sounding out) for reading c a t = cat Segmenting and blending words (sounding out) for writing
High Frequency Words and Tricky Words Daily word practise in Phonics Word cards and word grids will be sent home for daily practise Minimum 100 words by the end of Reception Reading and Spelling
Reading Individual reading in school – Alphablocks (initial phonic readers) followed by Oxford Reading Tree Guided reading in school Read daily at home Reading records – Please sign every time your child reads. Books will only be changed if an adult has signed the reading record Library books will go out weekly on a Monday – please return by the following Monday
Writing Simple mark making Assigning meaning to the marks Emergent writing – some recognisable letters Writing backwards – DON’T WORRY Letter formation Phonic attempts at words Simple sentences Sentences joined by ‘and’ Capital letters and full stops
By the end of Reception...
Number Number recognition – in and out of order Rote counting – starting from any number up to at least 20 Counting sets Writing numerals Addition Subtraction Early division and sharing
Shape, Space and Measures Recognise and name 2D and 3D shapes Properties of each shape Recognising shapes in their environment Full, half-full, empty Long or short Tall or small Time – Daily routines and O’clock Non-standard units
Daily Routine Morning Register Carpet Session – Maths or Literacy Focused Activities Phonics Tidy Up Lunch The children will also complete PE/Music and ICT lessons Afternoon Register Carpet Session – Maths or Literacy Focused Activities Tidy Up Story Home Time
Daily Routine in Reception The children participate in ‘Free flow’ It means that should they wish, the child can play/work in the adjoining classroom and they can also choose between inside and outside throughout the day. There are also times where we can link up with nursery friends.
Homework Friday – Home Books sent out Please return by Monday EVERY DAY – Reading Books and Key Words
What can you do to help your child? Read daily Make learning fun Help to do homework Allow them to be age appropriately independent They need to be able to dress and undress for PE – Please practise Talk about the things you see and answer their questions as fully as possible Explain your vocabulary
Learning Journey Observations and photographs Assessments - EYFS Key pieces of work Key achievements Information from home – Focus child questionnaires each half term (We plan each week according to each child’s individual needs and interests.)
Have you heard about Traffic Lights? …because you probably will! This is our positive discipline and is the first step to accepting rules and boundaries and hopefully remembering to stick to them. It also involves THE GOLDEN STAR! Some parents have adopted this style of positive behaviour management at home with success. What does it mean? The children have full explanation at all stages. Every day, we start on green! It supports children to make choices about how they behave. Each week one child will be chosen for the Golden Book award. The class bear will be sent home with the child for the weekend. Please return the bear by Wednesday.
Stretch-n-Grow lunch-time classes will start next half term - New adventure theme each month adds variety, imagination and fun – we can be rowing our pirate ships, exploring a dinosaur jungle or looking after crazy pets as a vet! - Developed in conjunction with paediatricians, nutritionists and fitness professionals - We use fun & colourful props and lively music - We keep children moving to improve fitness levels. - We improve gross and fine motor skills, balance, coordination, flexibility, rhythm and social skills - Includes a weekly discussion & handout - Loved by both boys and girls! Look out for your letter before the holidays – Free taster session for RLK and RLE Monday 15th October
Foundation Fund Box on the windowsill by the door £1 if possible per week Funds experience days and fun learning activities and resources for each child. Thank you