Welcome to Dragon’s Class Mrs Heysmond – Class Teacher Miss Bingham – Class TA
I dreamt I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there The Sculptors I dreamt I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care One was a teacher, the tools he used Were books and music and art. One was a parent with a guiding hand And a gentle loving heart…………………… ……..And each agreed they would have failed If they had worked alone For behind the parents stood the school And behind the teacher, the home. ( Anon)
The Reception Year is all about building strong foundations for the rest of your child’s education. At school, we plan activities and provide opportunities for children to build upon their current ability. Your help at home is equally as important too.
Aims of the meeting. To have a basic understanding about the Reception Year and end of year expectations. To know what a typical day will look like. To have an opportunity to ask any questions. To know how you can support your child. To discuss uniform.
EYFS curriculum - Development Matters/ ELG’s 7 key areas: Personal, Social and Emotional Development Communication and language Physical Development Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts
Personal, Social and Emotional development Making relationships- forming good relationships with adults and their peers and working together. Self confidence and self awareness- independent and confident learners, confident to talk to other people in a variety of situations. Managing feelings and behaviours- understanding what is right, wrong and why, work as part of a group or class taking turns and sharing, show own feelings in appropriate ways.
Communication and Language Listening and attention- listening to stories, discussions and responding to what is happening. Ask questions about what they have heard. Understanding- following instructions involving more than one step. Answering questions such as how and why in response to stories and events. Speaking- using past, present and future terms correctly, making own stories and explaining ideas and events.
Physical Development Moving and handling- good control and co-ordination in large and small scale movements. Moving confidently in a range of ways. Health and self-care- keeping healthy, dressing and undressing independently.
Literacy Reading- using phonic knowledge to read simple sentences, be able to talk about what they have read. Writing- using phonics knowledge to write words, writing key words and tricky words (I, the), be able to write simple sentences.
Mathematics Numbers- count and order numbers to 20, find one more and one less than a number to 20, add and subtract two numbers, solve problems, be able to half, double and share numbers and objects. Shape, space and measures- use language to talk about size, weight, capacity, position, distance, time and money. Making and talking about patterns, talking about and describing shapes.
Understanding the world People and communities- be able to talk about past and present events in their own lives, understand there are similarities and differences between people, families, communities and traditions. The world- to know about similarities and differences in places, objects, materials and living things. To make observations of animals and plants and talk about the changes. Technology- children use technology for a range of purposes.
Expressive arts and design Exploring and using media and materials- children sing songs, make music and dance. To safely use and explore a variety of materials, tool and techniques safely. Being imaginative- children represent their thoughts, ideas and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role play and stories.
“Is my little one ready for school ?” When starting big school children need to be able to: to express their needs appropriately Use the toilet independently Wash and dry hands Blow their nose Sit up at a table Eat their lunch properly Dress and undress themselves Sit quietly to listen to a story or a piece of music Wait patiently Share and take turns Tidy up things they have used Say goodbye with a smile !!!!!!!!
Uniform Boys – white polo shirt/, dark grey trousers, navy blue jumper, grey or black sock, black shoes, grey shorts Girls – dark grey skirt/trousers, white blouse/polo shirt, navy blue cardigan/jumper, white/grey/black socks, black shoes, blue check dress P.E Kit – light blue t.shirt, blue shorts, plimsolls, trainers, tracksuit. Long hair needs to tied back and all jewellery removed. Tesco website – www.tesco.com/ues Please label all clothes/P.E kit so that it can be easily be returned. P.E kit to stay in school for ½ term.
Ready to Learn Ensure your child has good nights sleep. Arrives at school on time. Their book bag with reading diary, reading book, choice book. Water bottle Coat, hat, gloves, sun hat. Please check your child’s book bag daily for any letters. Please don’t bring toys to prevent being broken, competition or peer pressure.
Learning through Play Play is an important part of the daily routine in the foundation stage. Play in the foundation stage is well planned by the reception team and is aimed at developing the children’s ability to explore creatively. The play that the children engage in helps to enhance the children’s learning as they are continually learning through a wide variety of activities.
Getting in Touch with the school …. your child is going to be late. … your child is ill. … your contact details have changed. … your child is going on holiday during term time. … you are going to be late picking up your child. … your home or family circumstances change. Ring the school or drop in a note if….
Homework Read at least 4 times a week and sign reading diary. Practise weekly phonic sounds and key words. Weekly maths game. Big write ‘talk time’ Your support at home really matters.
A Typical Day – morning 8.30 – Classroom door opens for children to come in. 8.50 – Brain gym. 9.00 – Phonics 9.20 – Child initiated indoor/ outdoor play 9.55 – Literacy 10.20 - Assembly 10.40 – EYFS playground ( morning break) toast 25p 11.00 – Numeracy 11.20 – Child initiated indoor/outdoor play 12.00 - Dinner
Afternoon 12.55 – Topic work – Understanding of the world/ Creative Arts/ ICT/P.E/ PSHE/P4C Child initiated activities 3.00 – Story 3.15 – Home time
Keep in touch Visit our website to see what we have been up to. Send in learning slips to share achievements at home. Attend open mornings. Attend parents evenings.
Other Medical needs: Inhalers Dress up Fridays - imagination
Assessment Assessments from previous nursery/childcare provision. Sept – baseline assessment Ongoing observations/evidence in books/ parental slips End of year ( May) – whether has achieved ELG/ Exceeded or not achieved
Any Questions?