WINDOW INTO EURO-ASIA The Euro-Asia Division spans 11 time zones and stretches from the Arctic Circle to the predominantly Muslim nations in the south. The people in this division were part of the Soviet Union, which for years restricted their freedom, especially freedom of religion. When Communism fell, the people rejoiced in the hope of new freedom and greater prosperity. But for most of the people living in Euro-Asia, the dream never became a reality, and they struggle to meet their basic needs today as they did 20 years ago. The countries of the Euro-Asia Division are home to more than 279 million people, of which 140,000 are Seventh-day Adventists. That’s about one out of every 2,000 people.
OPPORTUNITIES This quarter’s Thirteenth Sabbath Offering will help build: churches for existing congregations in Krasnoyarsk and Tomsk in Siberia, Russia a church for an existing congregation in Central Asia Children’s Project: Sabbath School lesson material in the local languages for children in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia
April 2 | Edgar Gyanjumyan A NEW SONG April 2 | Edgar Gyanjumyan
April 9 | Gayane Sarukhanyan MY VOW April 9 | Gayane Sarukhanyan
April 16 | Vartan Grigorian TWICE A SOLDIER April 16 | Vartan Grigorian
April 23 | Sergo and Dodo Namoradze PASSING ON THE GIFT April 23 | Sergo and Dodo Namoradze
THE SEEDS OF FAITH April 30 | Rozina Imanova
May 7 | Ruzala Alamdarova RUZALA’S REWARD May 7 | Ruzala Alamdarova
A TIME TO SHARE May 14 | Olesia and Luda
THE MISSIONARY CAFE May 21 | Anya Zaitseva
THE NEWSPAPER AD May 28 | Alexei Gurkin
June 4 | Evgeny and Angela HOMES OF HOPE June 4 | Evgeny and Angela
OUT OF THE DARKNES June 11 | Vasily Vaibert
SISTERS IN FAITH June 18 | Olga and Marina