Scientific Method and NOS Adv. Physical Science
Nature of Science (NOS) NO SINGLE SCIENTFIC METHOD We use steps from the set scientific method, but do not necessarily use them ALL every time we conduct an experiment. We never prove that a condition will always exist through an experiment (NO PROOF or ABSOLUTE TRUTH) SCIENCE – Study of nature and the physical world. DISCOVERY – using logic to uncover new information.
STEPS Make an OBSERVATION Ask a QUESTION Make a HYPOTHESIS (TESTABLE prediction) Conduct EXPERIMENT/Collect DATA AGREE w/ Hypothesis Test, Test, Test again to build confidence in data. DISAGREES w/ Hypothesis Revise Hypothesis and Test again. Analyze DATA and make a CONCLUSION **Never PROVE, build CONFIDENCE
Terms Observation – noticing objects/events and data collected using the five senses to learn about the objects/events. The sky is blue during the day and red at sunset. Question – something that is asked in response to understanding an observation. Why is the sky blue and red? Hypothesis – testable explanation for observations and questions about the physical universe. The sky is blue because of particles in the sky refracting them. NOT TESTABLE – a n asteroid killed the dinosaurs. Prediction – often used interchangeably with hypothesis.
Terms Experiment – test using observations and controlled variables to discover answers to questions and/or check a hypothesis. Using milk, we will see if the particles will scatter the light from a flashlight. Data – Information, measurements, and materials gathered from observations that are used to help answer questions At angle _____, the color was _______ Quantitative – Date that is based on numerical measurable characteristics of things or events. (Think #’s) The angle is ________. OR There is 1 L of milk Qualitative – Data is based on observalbe characteristics of things or events that can be collected using the five senses. Milk is white. The sky is blue. The milk tastes sour.
Terms Variable – Something that can affect a system being examined. Can be a factor that changes an experiment. Milk, Angle of flashlight, amount of milk. Control – used as a standard for comparison in experiment. Type of and amount of milk. Conclusion – summing up findings and making generalizations. The angle and particles do affect the color of light. Inference – a logical explanation or conclusion based on observation or facts.
Terms Law – A generalization or description about a natural event but struggles with explaining WHY. Example: Consider Newton's Law of Gravity. Newton could use this law to predict the behavior of a dropped object, but he couldn't explain why it happened. Theory - Explanation of Observation (Why) Example: Einstein’s theory of gravity and how it bends space and time! OR Evolution’s explanation of why species change!
Observation vs. Inference
Observation vs. Inference
Observation vs. Inference