All Types of Biotech Workplaces use the “Scientific Method” The Scientific Method is a collective term for the techniques that scientific researchers use to provide data and gather evidence to answer scientific questions. The following is one approach: Observe-Observing a scientific phenomenon increases curiosity. Formulate a scientific question-The question must be testable*.
“Scientific Method” Develop a hypothesis-Predict the results of experimentation based on past research/experience. Plan an experiment-Design a controlled experiment with measurable data. Conduct experiments-Do multiple replications of the experiment. (record data) Analyze data and report results-Analyze data in light of expected results. Report final results in notebooks/ scientific journals/ scientific meetings.
Scientific Method 1. Observation: use senses 2. Gather Data from Observations Qualitative: descriptions (ex: red hair) Quantitative: numbers (ex: plant height= 32cm) or 3. Formulate a question then make a Hypothesis using Prior Knowledge Data 4. Test Hypothesis by Observation & Controlled Experiment 5. Record & Analyze the Data (= charts & graphs, etc.) 6. Form a Conclusion based on Evidence then Communicate to others
SCIENCE AS A PROCESS 1) Scientific method 2) Hypothesis Based (deductive reasoning vs. Inductive reasoning?) Know the difference between both “If….and…then…” If: hypothesis And: experiment Then: predicted result 3) Variables IDV (independent variable): what you change in order to test your hypothesis (x-axis) DV (dependent variable): what you measure (data collected) (y-axis) Controlled variables: everything that stays the same 4) Experimental group vs. control group
Controlled Experiment Two groups Control Group: the group that the scientist uses as a base line for comparison. The scientist does NOTHING to this group Used as a reference to ensure results are not due to chance Experimental Group: the group in the experiment that gets the change. independent variable is applied to this group! Example- Hypothesis to Test: (marine science example) If sea stars are present, the number of mussels will decrease. Control Group Experimental Group X Sea star present No sea stars
Replicated ( reproducibility)- the experiment should be able to be conducted by an Outside party and they should get the same results Repeatable – the same observer or researcher runs his or her experiment again to make Sure they have gotten the same results using the same equipment