Hawaii Energy Storage Seminar: Other Energy Storage Technologies Abbas Akhil Sandia National Laboratories Distributed Generation and Energy Storage aaakhil@sandia.gov (505) 844-7308 June 16, 2010 Sandia is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. SAND2009-2801P
Candidate Technologies Commercially available now Suitable for Hawaii applications Flywheels Thermal Energy Storage Seawater Pumped Hydro
Flywheel Energy Storage Highly compatible with “power” applications such as frequency regulation Short, high power discharges of energy Frequent cycles: cycle life exceeds 100,000 during operational life Successful demonstrations in 20 MW sizes in California and New York grids Beacon Power: Provider of frequency regulation services on a merchant basis
Source: Beacon Power
Source: Beacon Power
20 MW Frequency Regulation Source: Beacon Power
Evolution of Flywheel Design Technology has come a long way!! Sandia Labs Test Flywheel, 1970’s Beacon Flywheel, Today
Thermal Energy Storage Ice is made during off-peak hours by existing/new chillers. It is used to cool in the afternoon, on-peak periods Primary benefits: Load shifting to off-peak hours Customer-side demand reduction Distributed storage On existing rooftops Central ice storage in large tanks
Ice Bear System Source: Ice Energy http://www.ice-energy.com/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=K2aEMAPpa4Y%3d&tabid=381&mid=1322
Seawater Pumped Hydro Limited, but potentially high value applications in Hawaii grids 5 – 30 MW, 4 – 6 hours of storage Needs only 400 – 600 foot head Advantages: No impact on fresh water supplies Sites near coast may need minimal civil work Spinning reserve and system peak shaving Complements renewables, especially wind farms Reasonably commercial technology Does not have cycle life or depth-of-discharge limitations (of batteries)
Okinawa Seawater Pumped Storage Location - Okinawa Prefecture Operation - 1999 Output - 30 MW Effective Head - 136 m (446 feet) Maximum Turbine Discharge - 26 m3/sec. Type - Embankment dam, Rubber sheet lining Gross Storage Capacity = 0.59X106 m3 (approx 6 hrs of storage) Source: International Energy Agency http://www.ieahydro.org/01-Okinawa-Seawater-PSPP-lg.htm
Okinawa Pumped Hydro Source: International Energy Agency
Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=asUa1PFix1A
Mahalo! Questions??