VHIRL: Virtual Hazard Impact and Risk Laboratory – “A reuse story” Ryan Fraser eResearch 2014: VL Reusability CSIRO | digital productivity flagship
Components of a Virtual Laboratory Data Services Toolboxes Compute Services Enablers Virtual Laboratory VLs are like puzzles that you put together using bits..... You can even use the bits that Jess has just spoken about to construct a “workflow” or process. Essentially a WORKFLOW engine IDEA – EXPERIMENT – KNOWLEDGE bring together data, processing and compute services for the research community Extendable framework Allows the “publication”/sharing of workflows Leads to acquisition of new, timely knowledge From My Science to Sharing My Science to Sharing Knowledge No longer a ‘personal notebook’ -> reproducible science Communities beyond organisational boundaries
Components of the Virtual Geophysics Laboratory Data Services Toolboxes Compute Services Enablers (OGC, Provenance) Dynamic Virtual Geophysics Laboratories Org. Cloud Mag. Grav. VGL Portal Service Orchestration Petascale Compute Magnetics eScript eScript DEM Org. Cloud VGL Portal Scripting Tool Gravity Org. Cloud Underworld Mag. Grav. NeCTAR Cloud Provenance Metadata DEM VGL Portal Petascale Compute Underworld Amazon Cloud Desktop
Repurposing to a Virtual Hazards Laboratory (VHIRL) Data Services Toolboxes Compute Services Enablers (OGC, Provenance) Dynamic Virtual Hazards Laboratories Unchanged Petascale Mag. Grav. VHIRL Portal Service Orchestration Petascale Magnetics ANUGA eScript DEM Org. Cloud VHIRL Portal Scripting Tool Gravity Org. Cloud eScript Bathy DEM NeCTAR Cloud Provenance Metadata DEM VHIRL Portal VHIRL is a repurposing of VGL for Natural Hazard researchers Amazon Cloud Amazon Cloud Landsat ANUGA Bathymetry Desktop
VLs: lightweight frontend, powerful services VHIRL is a client for connecting researchers to: Data Scientific codes/algorithms Cloud compute and storage resources Each other VHIRL is focusing on answering these questions: What data is available? How do I get it? How may I process the data? Where can I perform the processing? Where can I store my results? How do I capture and then reproduce this process? Data is published using open standards to a registry. Some service support data format conversion, sub-setting, reprojection,... - Prefer OGC and similar standards but can be just flat files
<live demo of VHIRL!> http://portal.vhirl.net
VLs lead to Knowledge VHIRL, brings together data, processing and compute services for the natural hazards research community Extendable framework Allows the “publication” of process used to create results (Provenance) Allows sharing of scientists workflow (Scientific Code Marketplace) Leads to acquisition of new, timely knowledge
Ryan Fraser Research Manager t +61 8 6436 8760 e ryan.fraser@csiro.au w www.csiro.au CSIRO