The Birth of the KING Matthew 2.1-2
KING of Kings LORD of Lords Revelation 19.16 Luke 1.33 Daniel 2.44
King’s Pedigree Son of David, son of Abraham - Matt 1.1 Abraham - Gen 12.3 David – Isa 11.1; Jer 23.5; Ps 132.11
King’s Pedigree Son of a virgin Isa 7.14; Mt 1.23; Lk 1.31-35 Mt 1.25; Jn 2.12 Lk 1.34-38, 45 Lk 1.46-47; 2.35
King’s Pedigree Son of a carpenter? Matt 13.55 Lk 3.23 Mt 1.19 Mt 1.24
King’s Pedigree Son of GOD Lk 1.35; Rom 1.4
King’s Purpose Save from sin Mt 1.21 Mk 14.7 Jn 18.36 Conditional salvation – Jn 8.24 Mt 26.28; Acts 2.38 1 Jn 1.8-2-1
King’s Purpose Inherit David’s Throne Lk 1.31-33 Acts 2.25-36 1 Cor 15.23-28
The KING Was born Lived sinless life Died for our sins Was buried Rose again Ascended to heaven Now reigns