Mean changes* in SCr and GFR by treatment group and baseline renal function End point Nesiritide Placebo p Peak SCr increase (mg/dL) All available subjects 0.15 (n=133) 0.34 (n=133) <0.001 Subjects with baseline SCr >1.2 mg/dL 0.02 (n=29) 0.48 (n=33) 0.001 Maximum decrease in GFR (mL/min/1.73 m2) -10.8 (n=133) -17.2 (n=133) -0.2 (n=29) -9.1 (n=33) 0.003 *Through discharge or hospital day 14, whichever came first SCr=serum creatinine GFR=glomerular filtration rate Hebeler RF Jr, Oz MC. 7th Scientific Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke; May 9, 2006; Washington, DC. Poster 104, abstract 292.
Postoperative measures of renal function and urine output by treatment group Parameter Nesiritide Placebo p Urine output, 1st 24 hours (mL) 2926 2350 <0.001 Postoperative SCr increase >0.5 mg/dL (%) 7 23 Length of hospital stay (d) 9.1 11.4 0.043 SCr=serum creatinine Hebeler RF Jr, Oz MC. 7th Scientific Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke; May 9, 2006; Washington, DC. Poster 104, abstract 292.