Directions: 1) Copy the sentence Directions: 1) Copy the sentence. 2) Guess the meaning of the underlined word. 3) Correct the errors. 4) Make up your own sentence that uses the word in bold. Before the fight the 2 wrestler’s vituperated each other with statements like, He’s a weak ninny and I’ll take that fat loser down with my pinky toe. assaulted c. praised described d. angered
Coming Up Next week Next next week After that Monday = Review Tuesday = The Crucible test Wed – Fri= writing speech for video Next next week Mon – Tue = test prep Wed – Fri = EOC After that Make video Final exam = periods of American Lit
Agenda Discuss reputation (again) Mini lesson on McCarthyism Analyze p. 146-147 If time Work on homework (pgs. 307-314) Work on extra credit (pgs. 149-157)
Reputation How do you feel about John Proctor’s decision? What is the role of reputation in The Crucible? How/when does it help? How/when does it hurt? Who/how/when did it motivate?
Communism a political theory derived from Karl Marx, advocating class war and leading to a society in which all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs
The Second Red Scare (1950s)
Paranoia After World War II, the Soviet Union gobbled up Eastern Europe. For the first time, the Soviet Union and Communism were world powers.
Paranoia There were small groups of communist supporters in the U.S. A fear spread that these Americans might engage in subversive (secret, anti-government) activities
Paranoia The Republican party, in particular, more heavily made up of the wealthy and conservative Americans, led the attacks on these subversives
Early Hunts for Subversives Truman, a democratic president, feared losing office if he was seen as ‘weak’ on communism He set up Loyalty Review Boards, which reviewed government employees in order to remove/fire subversives
Early Hunts for Subversives The House of Representatives set up a committee (the House Un-American Activities Committee or HUAC) to find and root out subversives. They did not just search in the government. For example, famously, they held hearings to find subversives in Hollywood.
Paranoia Hysteria A number of events pushed the fear of communism to absurd heights
Paranoia Hysteria 1949 Spy cases!!! China fell to Communism Soviets get the atom bomb Spy cases!!! Alger Hiss accused of smuggling secret American documents to the Soviets The Rosenbergs couple accused of selling the atom bomb plans to the Soviets Executed!
Witch Hunts Joe McCarthy Republican senator from Wisconsin Felt he was unlikely to win reelection Decided to use fear of communism to boost his career
Witch Hunts McCarthyism McCarthy went on a rampage, announcing that the government was stuffed with ‘reds’ Made claims that he had inside knowledge and proof (for example, he’d say ‘I have a list of 205 people in the government who are members of the communist party’, but then would refuse to produce the names. Senators, when speaking in the senate, are immune from the charge of slander (knowingly telling lies to hurt another person’s reputation)
Witch Hunts Successful strategy McCarthy won reelection and became famous However, when he accused the army of having tons of communist subversives, and called hearings on this issue, army officials blasted McCarthy and burst his imaginary bubble. He became a national disgrace
Impact of the Red Scare on American People bomb shelters in suburbia Duck and cover drills in schools Demand for conformity (doing the same thing everyone else is doing) to prove loyalty Same clothes, same haircut, same lifestyle and goals, etc.
Hansen. Name ________________________________ U. S. History Hansen Name ________________________________ U.S. History The Second Red Scare (the 1950s) Paranoia After World War II, the Soviet Union ___________________. For the first time, the Soviet Union and Communism ______________ ____________________________________. There were small groups _______________________________ ___________ . A fear spread that these Americans might engage in subversive (______________________) activities _______________________________________ more heavily made up of the ________________________________ Americans, _____________________ on these subversives Early Hunts for Subversives ___________, a democratic president, feared losing office if he was _________________________________________________ He set up __________________________, which reviewed government employees in order to _________________________ The House of Representatives set up a committee (the ________ __________________________________ or HUAC) to find and _____________ subversives. They did not just search in the government. For example, _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Blacklists - _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ Robin Hood? Paranoia Hysteria A number of events pushed the ___________________________________ 1949 ______fell to Communism _________ get the atom bomb Spy cases!!! Alger Hiss accused of _________________________ ______________________________________________ The Rosenbergs couple _________________________ _______________________________________________ _____________! Witch Hunts Joe McCarthy _______________________________________________ Felt he was unlikely to win reelection Decided to use _________________________________ ______________________________________________ McCarthyism McCarthy went on a rampage, announcing that the government was ______________________’ Made claims that he had __________________________ ________________ (for example, he’d say ‘I have a list of _____________________________ who are members of the communist party’, but then would _______________ ________________________________________. Senators, when speaking in the senate, are immune from ___________________________ (knowingly telling lies to hurt another ___________________________) Successful strategy? McCarthy _______________________________________ However, when he _________________________ of having tons of communist subversives, and called hearings on this issue, army officials blasted McCarthy and ______ _____________________ . He became a _____________. Impact of the Red Scare on the American People _________________in suburbia ______________drills in schools Demand for conformity (_____________ same thing ________________is doing) to __________________________ Same clothes, __________, same lifestyle and goals, etc.
Parallels? Fear of Communism = ? McCarthy = ? Truman = ? HUAC = ?
Time to Work Pgs. 146-148 Read Find 3+ rhetorical devices Find ethos, pathos, logos Answer questions Pgs. 307-314 Pgs. 149-157 (optional extra credit) Due 5/4 Must annotate
Wrap What did you learn today? What is Required for class tomorrow? Do you have any questions you want to Ask? Please Put up and Pick up.