Motivations for Imperialism
Entry Task (look at GGS sheet) Based on Guns Germs & Steel – Episode 3, what are some major: Motivations for Imperialism by the Europeans? Advantages the Europeans brought to Africa? Why did it happen in the 1800s?
Imperialism A policy of extending a country's power & influence through diplomacy or military force.
WHY? (did European powers want to dominate other countries?) GOLD (Economic) Control over African & Asian countries would provide Europe with: natural resources (coal, diamonds, lumber, gold) cheap labor a market to sell their products
WHY? (did European powers want to dominate other countries?) GLORY (Political, Exploratory) Intense competition for land and power among European countries. Nationalism: Global empires increased the ‘prestige’ of a nation Explorers wanted fame Countries wanted to dominate over others (superiority)
WHY? (did European powers want to dominate other countries?) GOD (Religious, Ideological) Many Europeans wanted to spread their way of life (Christianity), believing that they were superior to those that they colonized. Missionaries (a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country) were sent around the world “helping their ‘little brothers’ beyond the sea”
Why? Social Darwinism in Action Application of the theory of natural selection & survival of the fittest to human societies. According to the theory, the weak were diminished and their cultures set, while the strong grew in power and in cultural influence over the weak. European argument: European races were superior to all others Imperial domination of the weaker races was ‘simply nature’s way of improving the human species’. What it actually is: Racism
WHY in the 1880’s? The aftermath of the Industrial Revolution - Great Britain was the first to industrialize. Because it is an island, they needed to go somewhere else to find more materials, workers, and customers.
What did the industrialized nations get out of colonization? Colonies provided: (a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.) Raw materials More workers More machines More money More factories More customers
HOW were they able to dominate other countries? European strengths: Maxim gun - the first recoil-operated machine gun. Railroads and steamships Medical advances Quinine against malaria
HOW were they able to dominate other countries? Other countries’ weaknesses: Wide variety of cultures and languages Weak central governments Lower levels of technology Internal conflicts within countries
Political Cartoon With your table group: What is imperialism, and how does this political cartoon represent it?
Forms of Imperial Rule Colony:(a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country, typically a distant one, and occupied by settlers from that country.)
Forms of Imperial Rule Colony - Direct Rule: Goal: assimilation Foreign officials brought in to rule. No self rule. Government institutions based only on European styles. Examples: Belgian King Leopold II practiced the most brutal style of direct rule in the Belgian Congo. Almost 10,000,000 Congolese were killed in his entire rule. France often practiced direct rule -Vietnam, Algeria, Morocco, & Tunisia
Forms of Imperial Rule Colony - Indirect Rule: Goal: to westernize future leaders of a colony in order to maintain control. Local government officials used Limited self-rule Government institutions are based on European styles but may have local rules. Example: British East India Tea Company until the Sepoy Rebellion.
Forms of Imperial Rule Protectorate Has its own internal government, but under control of another country Examples: British in India & Burma US protectorates: Liberia (1822-1847) Cuba (1902-1904) Honduras (1903-1925) Dominican Republic (1914-1924)
Forms of Imperial Rule Economic Imperialism: A relatively hidden form of rule, when a private company controls a less developed country. Examples: Dole Fruit Company controlling Hawaii before it became a state
Forms of Imperial Rule Sphere-of-Influence: A foreign power exercises exclusive control over another country’s trade & economy. Example: China was divided into various spheres-of -influence by European powers so that they could obtain exclusive trade rights with Chinese ports.
Partner Question Colony Protectorate Economic imperialism 1. What would be the pros and cons of each of these systems for the natives? Colony Protectorate Economic imperialism Sphere of influence PRO CON
Motivations Activity Around the room are 20 documents that describe various motivations for imperialism. Your job: View the different documents and decide whether the motivation described is political, economic, religious, exploratory, or ideological. Indicate this and write a sentence or two using evidence to support your claim on the worksheet Your sentences supporting your claim should also mention what the specific motivation is.