State Employment Agencies Element 20
American Job Centers (AJCs)
Typical services Employer outreach / job development Local, state & national job banks and boards Resume and cover letter assistance Mock interviews and advice Labor Market Information Assessments/Skills Validation (Work Keys) Computers with internet access
Typical services Workshops Hiring fairs OJT programs (Earn and Learn) Info about credentialing and apprenticeships Work Study Opportunities Plus WIOA partner programs (Element 12)
Local Veterans’ Employment Representative (LVER) Conducts employer outreach / job development on behalf of all veterans Assists employers with veteran-related hiring dynamics (including tax credits and federal contractor issues) (Non-Veteran) Business services staff also serve job-seeking veterans
Disabled Veteran Outreach Program Specialists (DVOPS) Assist veterans with significant barriers to employment (p. 139) Disabled Long-term unemployed (27 weeks) Low-income Homeless Ex-offenders And 18-24 year-old veterans
Tips for taking full advantage of AJC services Be an exemplary client (“Audition” for AJC staff) Prompt & reliable attendance at appointments, workshops, job fairs, etc. Project a professional presence at all times (Business casual dress, language, body language) Educate staff about your skills, translating your military experience for non-veteran staff
Ensure the Intake Staff know you’re a veteran (especially women veterans!)