The Bottom Line: Scientists need to speak up for research Become a Scientist-Advocate The Facts: NIH's funding is 20% lower today than in 2003, taking into account biomedical research inflation. Paylines for research grants are at an all-time low. Sequestration cuts $1.6 billion from the NIH in FY2013 alone and is set to be in effect for 10 years. The Bottom Line: Scientists need to speak up for research What You Can Do: Stay informed Communicate with Congress Spread the word to fellow scientists Public outreach For more information: or email What Congress does affects your research. Science will keep losing money unless scientists speak out. $1.6 billion is 1,500 fewer research grants; 700 fewer competing RPGs Stay Informed Join SfN’s Advocacy Network Follow SfN on social media (@SfNtweets; Communicate with Congress Write Letters ( Give Lab Tours Participate in Capitol Hill Day Attend Town Halls Set up in-district Meetings Spread the Word Tell your colleagues Social Media Word of Mouth Incorporate advocacy into department/program and SfN chapter activity Public Outreach Communicate to the public the importance of FUNDING for scientific research Write an OpEd or Letter to the Editor Host Brain Awareness Week