Why change? Transitional period. Review. 21/11/2018
What are ‘Recreational’ Deer Control Permissions? Opportunity for recreational deer stalkers to enter into a non business, non sporting agreement with FCS to control deer on the NFE. Benefits: To the local economy. Opportunity to gain experience. Assists us in meeting our deer management objectives. Brings in income. ‘Eyes and Ears’. 21/11/2018
Risk Assessment process starts with… ………………………………………Forest District – Recreational Deer Control Permission Agreement PRE-AGREEMENT RISK ASSESSMENT File Ref: Permission Area: Commencement date: Term: Discussed: Y/N Risk: Level of Risk (H,M,L) Controls: ( to be completed by WRM) Operations: Recreation: Conservation: ALA: Planning Protection Prepared By WRM:- Name: Signed: Date: Agreed By FDM:- 21/11/2018
Prospective Permit Holders must possess the following:- Controllers Criteria Prospective Permit Holders must possess the following:- Deer Stalking Certificate Level 2 or equivalent British qualification e.g. SVQ/NVQ level 2 units C49 and C50 in Game and Wildlife Management. Valid British Firearms Certificate including authorisation to hold or purchase a legal calibre of firearm for controlling deer. Valid Public Liability Insurance to the minimum value of £10 Million. Person authorised by the Permit Holder to control deer on the area must:- Hold a Valid British Firearms Certificate, Have DSC Level 2 or equivalent British qualification, see above, (or obtain this award within 12 months - for syndicate members only), Have Public Liability Insurance to a minimum value of £10m. Authorised Controllers) who only hold the DSC level 1 or an equivalent British qualification, must be accompanied by the Permit Holder or another Authorised person who has the DSC level 2 or equivalent British award. 21/11/2018
INFORMATION SUPPLIED - TENDER SCORING INFORMATION SUPPLIED - Experience. Qualifications. Health and Safety. Equipment. Availability. Price. 21/11/2018
INTERVIEW SCORING FORM SELECTION CRITERIA Forest District – Recreational Deer Control Permission. Name of Area:…………………………. Name of Applicant:……………………. Weighting (where 0 = no confidence in applicant) MARK Awareness of Health & Safety issues 0 – 10 Experience/references 0 – 10 Ability to achieve cull 0 – 10 Leadership 0 – 10 Equipment 0 – 10 Understanding of the boundary to shoot 0 – 10 Ability to understand/ work to FES objectives/ local issues and conditions 0 – 10 Maximum 70 TOTAL………….. 21/11/2018
Current Situation 155 Recreational DCP/DCL 496 Controllers 135,000 ha let out ( 20% of the NFE) Income of £286 000. Controller averages 15 days per year 7440 person days per year 1063 person weeks per year 20 person years per year. 21/11/2018
Recreational Deer Control Lease/Permission areas in South Scotland 21/11/2018
ADVERTISMENT Cont 21/11/2018
Further Information Contact any of the 3 Deer Hubs For Galloway, Scottish Lowlands and Dumfries and Borders Forest District Tel – 01555660190 or email deerhub@forestry.gsi.gov.uk For Tay, Cowal and Trossachs, West Argyll and Lochaber Forest Districts, Tel 01350727284 or email hazel.robertson@forestry.gsi.gov.uk For North Highland, Moray and Aberdeen, North Highlands and Inverness, Ross and Skye Forest Districts, Tel 01738771050, or email laura.cruickshank@forestry.gsi.gov.uk Any Forest District Office. 21/11/2018