L09 Review
Review A decisionmaker chooses its most preferred alternative from the affordable ones. Budget set Preferences (Utility) Choice (Demand)
Budget set Budget set: given Write down budget constraint Illustrate it geometrically (numbers) Interpret the slope (econ. and geom.) Changes: Price and Income Modifications: e.g. Taxes, Subsidies, Gifts
Budget set Graph, Slope, Price and Income Change Taxes, Subsidies, Gifts
Preferences Preferences: ranking of bundles Geometric representation – indifference c. Goods, Bads, Satiated preferences (slopes) Four examples of preferences Cob-Douglass Perfect Complements Perfect Substitutes Quasilinear Utility and MRS Monotone transformations
Preferences (4 examples) MRS (find, interpret, 0.000001)
Choice – well behaved preferences Given and Note: can be parameters Find optimal choice on the graph Secrets of happiness Geometric interpretation Economic Interpretation Analytical solution Magic formulas
Choice Graph, optimality conditions, twist interiority!
Extreme preferences Graph, optimality conditions, twist interiority, !
Magic formulas
Behavior of the demand Own – price change: Ordinary or Giffen Income change: Normal or Inferior Demand and Engel Curve Plot and find them analytically (four examples of preferences) Other good price change: Gross Substitutes or Complements
Own-price change TCH=SE+IE Interpretation Decomposition: Auxiliary budget line Relation: Giffen - Inferior goods
Buying and selling Nominal Income – endowment of goods Budget set: buying selling Changing prices Price offer curve Find net demands for extreme preferences!
Labor supply Labor leisure choice Budget set Labor leisure Choice Why labor supply is inelastic