A quick overview of plantation life and the slave codes. American Slavery A quick overview of plantation life and the slave codes.
Agenda 4-5-2017 Based on what you know about life on a plantation for African slaves, what were conditions like for slaves who worked on plantation? Get basic information on the various roles on a plantation to put in notebook. Complete Venn Diagram on the Slave codes. HW: E.Q. Sheets due April 11th, 2017. Unit 10 test April 11th, 2017.
Plantation roles Master- ran the plantation, bought and sold slaves. Mistress- Ran the household slaves, cared for ill slaves. Overseer- Managed and disciplined the field slaves. Could be fired if he “mistreated”(killed or overworked) the slaves. Field hands- Worked the Sugar or cotton fields. Lived in crude huts on property. Domestics- Work in the plantation house. Lived in the masters home as coach drivers, butlers and servants. Treated well by the master and hated by the field hands.
Slave Codes Laws governing the treatment and sale of slaves. On the next slide are a list of various laws from the slave codes. On your Venn Diagram if you think the law impacts the slaves put it in the right bubble. If it impacts the master put it in the left bubble. If it benefited both in the middle. When we go over each law thumbs up benefits the slave . Thumbs down benefits the master. If it benefits both hold up two fingers.
Slave code examples forbidden to leave the owner's property.. Home searched for stolen goods. Punished for running away Cannot own property of their own(e.g. dogs, livestock, crops). Property could not work longer than 14-15 hours or on Sundays. Could learn a trade(Carpentry, Masons). Buy your way out of service. Could not preach without license. property could be freed by legislature. Could not be educated(learn to read or write). Could not own weapons. Could not sign a work or marriage contract. Fined or imprisonment for deliberately killing property. Could be rewarded if you warned owner of potential issues on property( e.g. revolts, bad overseers, disloyal slaves).
Venn Diagram Impacts slaves Impacts Owners Labor could not work longer than 14-15 hours a day or on Sundays. Property could be freed by legislature. Fined or imprisonment for deliberately killing property. Could be rewarded if you warned owner of potential issues on property( e.g. revolts, bad overseers, disloyal slaves). Impacts slaves forbidden to leave the owner's property. Punished if they ran away. Home searched for stolen goods. Cannot own property of their own(e.g. dogs, livestock, crops). Could learn a trade(Carpentry, Masons). Buy your way out of service. Could not preach without license. Could not be educated. Could not own weapons. Could not sign a work or marriage contract.
Think Pair share What law do you think had the greatest impact on the life of the slaves and their owners. Give me a reason why.