Unleash your imagination! Creative Writing: Unleash your imagination!
Genre Before you can begin writing your creative short story, you must decide what kind of short story you want to write! Genre is the type, or classification, of a story. Many stories could fall into several different genres, but we’re going to just pick one as our guiding light.
Science Fiction In this genre, you use science as the basis for your fictitious story. Examples include: The Matrix, Transformers, Terminator, and WALL∙E
Historical Fiction In this genre, you’re using history as the basis for your short story. You’re to take historical fact, and add a fictitious element. Examples include Titanic, 300, Glory, and Braveheart.
Super Hero Adventure In this genre, a person gains super powers and typically fights for the good of mankind. Oftentimes, the super hero needs an equally interesting super villain. Examples include Hancock, Batman, Iron Man, and Spider-Man.
Spy & Espionage Thriller This genre uses the military and politics as the foundation for the story. It’s important to stay true to actual military procedures and technology. Examples include The Bourne Identity, G.I. JOE, James Bond, and Mr. and Mrs. Smith.
Horror This genre typically attempts to scare the reader. It does not necessarily have to be bloody or violent. Supernatural monsters are sometimes used, or sometimes insane humans. Examples include Saw, Paranormal Activity, Candyman, and Friday the 13th.
Comedy This genre tries to make the reader laugh. Comedies can be subtle, or they can be really silly. Examples include Beverly Hills Cop, Austin Powers, Anchorman, and Scary Movie.
Fantasy This genre uses swords and sorcery in the stories. These tales can take place in outer space, other worlds, or even in our own reality. Examples include Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Pan’s Labyrinth, and Harry Potter.
Mystery This genre makes sure to leave clues throughout the story that allows the viewer to potentially figure out the ending. A true mystery is logical and truly leaves important, real clues. Examples include Sherlock Holmes, Inception, Seven, and The Green Mile.
Inspirational This genre utilizes a positive message to uplift the reader’s spirits. Sometimes that message can be religious in nature, but not always. Examples include It’s a Wonderful Life, The Chronicles of Narnia, Rocky, and The Blind Side.
Ticket Out The Door On half a sheet of paper, write down which genre you would most like to use for your short story and why. Place the TOD on my desk on your way out.