The end of the Cold War.


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Presentation transcript:

The end of the Cold War

1961 1970 1950 1991 1950-1953 Korean War North vs South North invades South UN/US send troops to help China sends troops Stalemate, armistice signed

1961 1970 1950 1991 1961 Cuba Bay of Pigs: failed US invasion US Blockade Cuban Missile Crisis: USSR puts missiles in Cuba USSR/US Negotiate, missiles removed

1961 1970 1950 1991 1964-1970 Vietnam War N. Vietnam reunify under Communism US helps South Violent fighting, no progress US citizens stop supporting US withdraws from war

1961 1970 1950 1991 Mikhail Gorbachev Takes over Soviet Union (1985) Introduce Glasnot, (openness) to West Soviet Bloc begins to break off, Gorbachev does not stop them

1961 1970 1950 1991 End of Soviet Union Berlin Wall torn down Gorbachev Union Treaty: freedom for country but stay together Gorbachev loses powers 1991: Final independence movements complete, USSR dissolves

Did the US win the Cold War? Reasons why America won USSR dissolves Presidents Reagan/Bush military spending hurt USSR economically Reasons why no one won No real fighting US spent trillions of dollars for defense Thousands of Americans died

Questions Which of the events was the most important to the outcome of the Cold War? Why? Did the US win the Cold War? Why do you think that?