Station #9: At this station you will: Describe characteristics of three volcano types Write an example of each volcano type
Types of Volcanoes Cinder Cone Volcanoes: Typically occur in clusters Made from pyroclastic material produced from moderately explosive eruptions. Typically occur in clusters Small Erupt for a short time Steep slopes Paricutin erupted for only nine years
Types of Volcanoes Shield Volcanoes: Runny lava Shield volcanoes are built of layers of lava from non-explosive eruptions. Runny lava Spreads over a wide area Gently sloping sides Mauna Kea in Hawaii is the tallest mountain on Earth
Types of Volcanoes Composite Volcanoes: Form from explosive eruptions of pyroclastic material followed by quieter lava flows. Referred to as “Stratovolcanoes” Most common type of volcano Alternating layers of pyroclastic material and lava Broad bases and sides Steeper towards the top There are several stratovolcanoes along the western portion of the U.S. including Mount Hood pictured above.